13: The 12 Labours of Hercules

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Zeus had an affair with the mortal woman Alcmene. Zeus made love to her after disguising himself as her husband, Amphitryon. The son born to them was the demigod Hercules(God of Strength).

Hercules was Perseus' great grand son and half brother at the same time. 

When Hera found out about this, she sent snakes to the young Hercules' bed to kill him. But to her surprise, Hercules had grabbed the snakes strangled them. He was strong and brave from a very young age.

Hera said that she would let him live in peace if he could complete twelve labours for her. When Hercules was old enough he agreed to complete the labours in order to have a clean slate with Hera.

Labour 1: The Nemean Lion:

Hercules' first labour was to slay the Nemean lion. The Nemean lion was a large and fierce lion with an impenetrable golden fur. Hercules went to its cave and blocked the exit so that it couldn't escape. He shot the lion with many arrows but they just bounced off his tough skin. 

He rattled the lion with a powerful blow to the head with his club. And strangled him to death with his bare hands. Hercules then cut the lions skin off by using on of its sharp teeth to make a cloak for himself which he wore to other labours.

Labour 2: The Lernean Hydra:

Hercules' second labour was to slay the Lernean Hydra. The Lernean Hydra was a large serpent with multiple heads. The Hydra was an offspring of Typhon and Echnidna. 

Upon reaching the swamp where the Hydra dwelt, Hercules used a cloth to cover his mouth and nose to protect himself from the poisonous fumes. When the Hydra appeared, Hercules used his sword to cut some of its heads off. But when ever he cut a head, two more appeared in its place.

Now the Hydra had eight heads instead of five. Hercules had an idea and lit a flame on the end of his club and burned a head which was about to regenerate but now didn't. He did the same thing(Cut the head and burned the top of the neck) with the other heads and one by one all of them had fallen off.

Labour 3: The Ceryneian Hind:

Hera were greatly angered that Hercules had survived the Nemean Lion and the Lernean Hydra. For the third labour, she found a task which she thought was impossible for Hercules. It was not slaying a beast or monster, as she already knew that Hercules could overcome even the most fearsome opponents. Instead, she ordered him to capture the Ceryneian Hind, which was so fast that it could outrun an arrow.

The Ceryneian hind was the favourite pet of the goddess Artemis(Twin sister of Apollo and goddess of the hunt). Hera knew even if Hercules somehow managed to capture it, he would still anger the goddess.

Hercules couldn't find the hind and whenever he did, he was always outrunned. One day he finally caught the hind while it was sleeping. One his way back he was stopped by Artemis herself. He begged the goddess for forgiveness and explained his situation. Artemis let Hercules go on one condition that he would bring the hind back safely.

Labour 4: The Erymanthian Boar:

Hercules' fourth labour was to capture the Erymanthian Boar. Hercules knew catching the Boar alive would be nearly impossible so he waited until mid winter. Hercules then drived the boar in thick snow and finally tackled it to the ground and bound its legs together to carry it on his shoulder.

Labour 5: The Augean Stables:

Hercules' fifth labour was to clean the stables of king Augeas.

Stable meaning: A building set apart and adapted for keeping horses.

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