2: Children of Nyx and Erebus

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The children of Erebus and his sister Nyx were Aether(God of Air), Hemera(Goddess of Day), Moros(God of Death), Apate(Goddess of Fraud), Dolos(God of Tricks), Keres(Winged Vampires), Hesperides(Golden Nymphs of evening), Nemesis(Winged Goddess of Retribution), Oizys(Goddess of Misery), Momus(God of Criticism/ Criticized all the Gods), Oneiros(Gods of Dreams), Hypnos(God of sleep), Thanatos(God of Souls), Philotes(Goddess of Sexual Intercourse), Geras(God of Old Age), Eris(Goddess of Discord) and Eleos(God of Mercy).

Nymphs: Nymphs are female human like immortal creatures that are associated with elements such as fire, water etc.

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