Number 1

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Adam tosses their dinner into the trash with an irritated sigh. The charred smell enters his nose, and he scowls at the black thing.

It was a SIMPLE task. He dwells on the thought and becomes livid.

The sound of the TV blares in his ears, and he cannot believe [Name] is still watching her stupid show.

"Are you serious?" He asks, throwing his arms up. [Name] barely gives him a glance, her eyes glued to the TV. "[Name]! I'm talking to you! Answer me."

She pauses Netflix and looks over at him. "What?"

She sees he's angry but doesn't know why.

"We don't have dinner! You burnt the pizza!"

[Name] flinches at his emphasis on 'burnt.' "I'm sorry. We can always have takeout."

"No!" He scoffs, throwing his arms up again in utter disbelief. "What is your fucking problem?!"

[Name] holds out her hands. "I'm not doing this with you, Adam. Just chill, I'll order takeout."

"You had one simple fucking job, and you can't even do it!"

She ignores him and brushes him off. Picking up her phone, she dials the number. "Hi, hello? Yes, I'd like to place an order."

Adam storms over before she can say what she wants and slaps the phone out of her hand. Her phone falls to the ground, cracking the screen as it slides across the wooden floors.


"You were supposed to watch the pizza! Not your stupid-, what even is this? Some fucking cartoon?!" Adam yells, gesturing towards the screen.

Before the pizza burned to a crisp, [Name] was engrossed in Naruto. Her friend Mackenzie recommended it to her a few months back. [Name] isn't much of an anime watcher like her friend, but she enjoyed Naruto and Shippuden, even watching it twice for nostalgia purposes.

It's what caused [Name's] absentmindedness and Adam's rage.

"I'm sorry! It was an accident!" She defends.

"Accident my ass! You do this all the time!" He yells.

This is never the case. [Name] has only burned something one other time. She fell asleep after a long day at work, and the rice happened to boil over and blackened at the bottom. That was two years ago.

But Adam never let it go.

Adam grabs her wrist and yanks her towards the kitchen. She protests and pulls at him, but his steel-tight grasp never relents.

He pushes her towards the stove. "Cook."

Slowly, she turns to glare at him. "Cook? You want me to cook? We don't have anything to cook! That's why we got pizza!"


"You want a fucking peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Adam? It's that what you want? Because that's all we have!"

He glares at her. It's his signal that he wants her to do this impossible task.

[Name] screams in frustration as she finds bread, peanut butter, and jelly. She slaps together the sandwich in a frenzied fury and throws it at him. It hits his chest and falls to the ground with a soft slap.

Adam successfully dragged [Name] to his level, pulled her down into the deep dark well of his madness, despite her not wanting to argue, here she is, yelling and screaming.

"I can't... I just can't do this anymore, Adam!" [Name] cries.

"I can't deal with your stupidity anymore. You're so useless [Name]! God!" Adam scoffs. "I can't even trust you with pizza! You just sit on your ass all day!"

Her face scrunches up, a mix between disgust and anger pours from her expression. Then she relaxes. A dull, blank look now settles on her face. "I have to leave. I'm going with my mother for a bit."

There's a moment of silence between them before [Name] walks around Adam, aiming for their shared room. Adam follows, an apology almost forming at his lips, but it's for her to stay, he's never actually sorry. His pride would never actually let him be sorry.

[Name] rummages through their closet, pulling out her large bright blue suitcase. All her clothes are swiftly shoved into her suitcase.

"Look, [Name], baby," Adam starts, but she interrupts him. Her dead eyes stop any soft, apologetic words from forming on his tongue.

"Just stop."

He shuts up, and his anger resurfaces. "Fine, you dumb cunt!"

He storms away from her as [Name] grabs another pair of shoes and her favorite jacket. On her way out, she grabs her phone and charger.

"I'll be at my mother's if you need me," she sighs, stopping at the door.

"I won't need you."

He's pouting in front of the TV, staring intently at Naruto's paused face.


[Name] leaves without looking back. Unfortunately, he hid the car keys, so she can't take her car. The bus will have to do.


The bus ride is long, tedious, and tiresome on her arms. Why'd they have a fight during rush hour?

[Name] finally arrives at her mother's house. Her kind parent gave her a spare key just in case she needed to escape from the world.

With her suitcase in tow, she unlocks the door. Darkness shrouds the entire house and [Name] assumes her mother is out for the night. Her mother had a tendency to go out with her various boyfriends for weeks at a time, but she never forgot her sweet daughter.

It's a bad time for her mom to be out, since [Name] needs her more than ever. At times she wished to set sail on those expensive cruises with her mother and her boyfriend and look upon the dark blue sea. She wished to gaze at the twinkling stars on the night of a camping trip with her friend Mackenzie and escape her disastrous life with Adam. She wished to be held in her mother's arms again and be read bedtime stories under the soft blue glow of her nightlight.

She wished for anything but this. She even wished that Adam would treat her kindly. That's what [Name] hoped for most as she trotted through the dark hallways of her childhood home.

Her mom never liked Adam, but she was used to the constant complaints [Name] had for her. She never uttered a word other than 'communication.'

That's all you two need. Just some communication.

Yet, what she really wanted to tell her daughter is that she should break up with that asshole. But she didn't want to break her daughter's heart, for her daughter's honestly thought she found the one.

[Name] drags the suitcase to her room, located on the second floor. Instead of unpacking her clothes, she collapses on her bed and screams. She screams into her pillows, releasing her all the pent up rage towards Adam. Frustrated tears stream down her face.

Why? Why does it always have to be like this?!

Her sadness hits her in waves. First the screaming, then the crying, now she hugs herself in her darkened room.

"It was just a stupid fight!" She reminds herself. "He'll come back around."

But she doesn't know why she wants him back around. He's horrible to her and yet she still loves him. They argue over small things. Yesterday it was about cleaning up, last week was about money, next week will be about spending time together.

It's the same routine each week, and as much as she tries to please Adam, or break the cycle, he comes up with something new, yet he doesn't want to leave her. He begs [Name] to stay just to abuse her again and again.

It's not fair. But he keeps running back to her.

And her arms are wide open for him.


A/N: First chapter. Ngl, you're probably gonna hate this MC, but I'm trying something new lol. Tell me what you think. Love you, bye!

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