Number 7

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Men. Four men. Walking around with only towels to cover their privates.

With [Name] being single now, she can gaze at their sculpted bodies as much as she wants, but she expresses her nervousness to them, explaining that with one false move, their whole life will be exposed. So, now the boys take extra precaution of their dangly bits.

With their nudeness in mind, she conjures up an idea to deal with it. She gathers them all into the living room for a short meeting.

"All right boys! Imma buy some clothes, so you guys can look more... modern," [Name] says, gesturing towards their lack of clothing. "Ugh, but I don't want to spend any money."

She huffs and drags a hand through her hair.

"Thank you. Wearing clothes from this time will help us blend in more," Shisui says, his smile ever-present.

[Name] grunts, completely dismissing Shisui by grabbing her keys and purse at the door. "Riiiiigggghhhttt. I'll be back. Don't fuck anything up!"


The weather decided to clear up from the other two muddy, rainy days. Although it's not shining brightly out, the sight of no grey clouds comforts [Name's] heart.

I won't get rained on at least.

While on the bus to downtown, [Name] feels her phone ring in her pocket. She pulls it out and checks the ID before answering.

"Mackenzie! I-"

"Before you say anything [Name]," Mackenzie says in a hurry. "I'm finished with all of my exams!"

A squeal rings in [Name's] ear canal, and she pulls the phone away from her face.

"Yes, good for you," [Name] says, putting the phone back to her ear.

"You're a fake friend [Name]. I thought you would be happy for me," Mackenzie whines. "We can hang out again."

"Okay, yeah, I'm happy for you, ecstatic even! But right now 'Kenzie, I have," she pauses, checking around the bus for anyone eavesdropping on her conversation. She lowers her voice and says, "I have four anime guys living in my house."

"Oh, cool? Are they cosplayers?"

"No, they're real. They popped out of nowhere. Itachi, Madara, Sasuke, and Shisui are living with me now, and I don't know what to do."

There's a long pause before Mackenzie sighs. "You're not making any sense."

"Okay!" [Name] bursts out, but then realized the loudness of her voice. Some fellow passengers glance at her then back to their phones. "I mean, okay. Come over later, around dinner?"

"Ugh, you're at your mom's house, right? That's like three hours away plus traffic? Yeah, no thanks!"

"No please, please, please! You have to come over," [Name] begs, the desperation in her voice rises.

"Okay. But I'm coming over tomorrow. I deserve a nap after two days of finals," Mackenzie comprises.

[Name] groans but agrees. "Fine. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"'Kay! 'Night night!"

The phone beeps in [Name's] ear, and she huffs.

A full day of shopping is ahead of her, and she's not looking forward to it.


When [Name] arrives home, she has at least ten bags on both arms. She heaves them into the living room and drops them all on the floor.

Trapped [Uchiha x Fem!Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now