Number 21

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Entangled in Sasuke's arms, [Name] pries her eyes open to the sound of her phone going off. Sasuke makes an annoying sound, similar to a groan and a whine. He pulls her closer as she reaches for her phone, dismissing the caller ID and swiping to answer.

With a sleepy and stained voice, only a simple greeting comes out. "Hello?"

"H...Hey. [Name]." The way that horrid voice slips through the receiver feels like centipedes crawling in her ear.

"Adam." Though she tries to sound firm, her voice still trembles on the two syllables. There's relative silence. She hears Adam's breath, her own, and Sasuke's. "What is it that you want? I thought I blocked you."

A sigh from his side. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I'm calling on a different cell." He swallows before continuing. "I got some of your figures back. I thought you might want to pick them up since you have our car."

[Name] sneers. "It was never our car. It was and always will be mine."

"Damn, I'm sorry! Just come get these things!"

[Name] peers at Sasuke's face, thinking he's asleep. She knows the boys won't agree to her going over there again---not without them at least.

"Fine. I'll be over."

She hangs up quickly before he can say anything else. Sasuke feels her move and clings to her harder.

"You not going over there," he grumbles. His face pushes further into her side. "You're not going back to him."

[Name] has told the boys about Adam's tactics and how she'd always fall for them. When she revealed this, the men took it upon themselves to talk her out of it each time.

"Your trauma needs to be unlearned," he reminds her. "If you go over there, you'll stress out again."

[Name] huffs, understanding his words are true. "I know! I know... I just have this Itachi figure that Mackenzie got me, and I just want it back!"

Sasuke pulls his face from her side and stares quizzically. "You have a statue of my brother?"

"You're not real, remember? There are all sorts of crap of you too."

He grumbles but closes his droopy eyes. She shuffles out of his hold and climbs over his body. She strips, letting her pajamas fall to the floor.

While she's changing into work clothes, a pencil skirt, and a simple white blouse, a knock comes at the door. Itachi peeks his head in and asks, "Do you have work today?"

[Name] turns to him while buttoning her top and nods. "Yeah. I'll see y'all later tonight."

Although his smiling face falters to show slight disappointment, he says cheerily, "Well, Shisui and I made you lunch."

From his sleep, Sasuke scoffs, "Suck ups."

That both ignore the pessimistic young adult and carry on with their conversation. "Thank you, Itachi. I'll thank Shisui when I get down there."

She slips on tights once Itachi closes the door. Before she follows him, she gives Sasuke a peck on the cheek.

Downstairs, Madara reads the daily newspaper as always while drying his hair with a towel. Shisui stands in the kitchen, focusing hard on wrapping up her lunch.

[Name] goes to kiss Madara on the cheek first, to which he responds with a gentle touch on her back, running his fingers along her curve. If she knew more about Madara, she'd know this is him expressing desire. But she doesn't know him well and leaves him there to finish what he's doing.

Trapped [Uchiha x Fem!Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now