Number 5

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Itachi has never been so idle before. Before this, before this world, he was always on the move, always a criminal just waiting for his head to be lopped off. Now, with all of that out of the way during his death, he has nothing to do. Nothing to keep him going other than Sasuke.

Itachi sits cross-legged on the couch, watching the muted TV. He enjoys the silence, but not the idleness of it. He needs to take a walk, somewhere far, somewhere different than this house.

[Name] waltz in, bringing him his third cup of tea. Itachi senses the kindness in her, but also something else, something off-putting but he can't tell what it is.

"Is there something wrong, Itachi?" She asks. Even his name sounds foreign to him. If his life as he knew it is a lie, then is his name really Itachi?

"No," he mumbles. His eyes widen at how easily he told [Name] the truth. "I mean, yes!"

[Name] takes the seat next to him. With a sigh and a smile, she says, "Existential crisis?"

Itachi peers down at his hands, the hands that used to murder people without a second thought. But that was a lie. He never killed anyone. Not a child, not a woman nor a man, not even his family.

His whole life as he knew it is fake.

"Yes," his voice is small, almost scared even. "I never murdered my family, but I did."

"Think of it as one long nightmare."

"I... Killed."

[Name] shrugs. "But you didn't."

Itachi turns his head, and his dead, cold black eyes stare into her soul. "I could kill you."

If this hadn't come from the soft boy that loves his baby brother so much, then [Name] might've been scared.

"But you won't," she says gently. "You don't know the first rule about this world, and I'm your rule book. If you destroy the rule book, you'll never learn."

Itachi takes her hand, finding comfort in her soft palms. His hands were shaking, and [Name] hears the tremble in his voice. "Just a bad dream, right?"

[Name] nods, a smile growing on her face. "Just a bad dream."


Sasuke's been flexing his left arm for the past day. Cooped up in [Name's] room, he's been alone with his thoughts. He lost his arm in the war, the war he was so close to finishing until... His mind his blank. What exactly did happen?

He remembers Naruto, and thanking Sakura and then... Nothing. His brain goes muddy at the thought.

He hears a knock and turns his head to the door.

"Can I come in my own room?" [Name] jokes, strutting in. "Whatcha doing in here? Flexing like an eboy in the mirror?"

Sasuke raises an eyebrow. "What's an eboy?"

"Never mind."

Sasuke stays quiet, moving his fingers again. "Was Naruto ever real?"

"Existential crisis?" She says, plopping down next to him. She chuckles and lets out a long breath through her nose. "Besides the people that dress up as him, he's not real in the slightest. I'm sorry bud, your friend, your lover as I like to call him, is completely fake."

"Sakura? Kakashi? Karin? Suigetsu?" He asks, his voice wobbling with each name that passes his lips. "Orochimaru?"

"None of it is real. I'm sorry," [Name] says, patting Sasuke's back. "All you sacrificed had been for naught, especially since your bro is alive."

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