Number 10

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Pillows and a blanket, that's all Sasuke asked for when he sleeps on the couch. As the blue skies deepen into black, and the clock strikes midnight, [Name], with her arms full of sleeping materials, brings it all to Sasuke. She's kind enough to add in a few extra pillows for a comfortable sleep.

"Sasuke!" She calls for him as she enters the living room. He sits next to his brother, fiddling with his thumbs as Itachi nags him about going to sleep earlier.

"You need to go to bed at eight! And it's important to get eight to ten hours of sleep!" Itachi says, his eyes sparkle with each word. "Now that we're no longer ninjas, you can get lots of sleep!"

"Okay, big brother," Sasuke mumbles.

[Name] smiles, watching how obediently Sasuke listens to Itachi. He's like an entirely different person when Itachi's around.

"Itachi, it's good for you to get good sleep, too," [Name] says, dropping the pillows and blankets on the couch. "You've been looking really tired lately."

Itachi perks up at the sound of his name. His cheeks turn pink, and he chuckles nervously. "I'm fine."

Liar! [Name] would love to call him out on it, but not in front of Sasuke.

"Well, regardless, get to bed."

Itachi stands and nods. "Well, goodnight Sasuke, and," he pauses as he takes a step towards [Name]. Once again, Itachi kisses [Name's] forehead. "Goodnight, [Name]. I'll see you in the morning."

Itachi quickly escapes the room so his actions won't be questioned.

Sasuke watches his brother exit and pouts. There's definitely something going on between them. "Why does he get to kiss you?"

[Name] shrugs as she sets the pillows. "I think it's his love language."

"Love language?"

Sasuke's never heard of a love language before. As a ninja, he didn't have time to process or even think about love.

"Yeah. It's how Itachi likes to receive and give love," she affirms. "Touch is his love language, and quality time, I think. According to the show, I think yours is words of affirmation."


"Yeah. To show others you like them, you say good things about them in your own weird way. And spending time with others."

Sasuke wraps himself in a blanket. "Hn. What would you know?"

"I'm a child counselor. I know a lot, actually," she giggles.

Sasuke's thinking face surfaces. Jaw clenched, deep glare, and a pout. "Then what's yours?"

[Name] sits next to the younger man and wraps herself in his blanket as well. "Hmm. I think receiving gifts and acts of service. It makes me sound superficial, I know, but getting something really thoughtful from a friend or a boyfriend really makes me happy."


She leans her head on his shoulder. His muscles tense, and heat crawls up his neck.

"So," he begins, trying to form the question that swells his tongue. "Because it's his love language, he's allowed to kiss you?"

"Well, no. We haven't talked about consent yet, but, I know Itachi won't do anything weird to me."

The conversation falls into a comfortable silence. The muted TV flashes bright colors across the wall. As Sasuke familiarizes [Name's] presence, becoming comfortable with her head on his shoulder, she stands abruptly.

A yawn stretches her mouth wide, and she lengthens the muscles in her sore back.

"I better get to bed," she says. "Goodnight, Sasuke."

Although he's stricken with low spirits when her heat is no longer next to him, it doesn't show on his face. If only for a second longer he could make her stay, he'd be content.

"Wait," his voice calls out. It's shaky, and [Name] halts, thinking something is wrong.


"Can I kiss you?"

The comfortable setting whisks away. [Name] forces out a laugh, as the immediate warmth of embarrassment creeps up her neck.

"Haha, why would you want to?"

"Brother gets to, so why shouldn't I." His reply is curt and blatantly envious.

"Is that so?" [Name] puts a finger to her lips, subduing the smile that wants to explore from her face.


Sasuke looks away, and in the dim lighting, [Name] can faintly make out the blush on his cheeks.

Too tired to argue, or pester him for a better explanation, [Name] just smiles softly at him.

"Well then, I guess I have no choice but to receive kisses from both Uchiha brothers."

As she leaves the room with a giggle at her lips, Sasuke rewards himself with a pat on the back and a triumphant smirk.


[Name] wakes up to the sound of her alarm, and uncurls herself from Madara's hold. She rubs the crust from her eyes as she sits up. Today, she has time to eat breakfast, and possibly even a ten-minute shower.

"Come back to bed," Madara grumbles, half-sleep. It's a sweet temptation, but [Name] won't allow herself the satisfaction of staying next to Madara, something she now enjoys. What [Name] has come to realize is that Madara is quite tender when he's sleepy.

"I have work, Madara. I'll see you later, though," she says. "And please don't terrorize Mackenzie while I'm gone."

"The wench will be untouched."

[Name] huffs and rolls her eyes.

That man is insufferable sometimes. She mentally curses him as her feet take her to the kitchen.

Before she passes the threshold, [Name] hears rustling, along with the smell of bacon and eggs.

"Who's in the kitchen?" She calls as she enters, surprised to see Sasuke at the stove with a yellow apron around him.

"It's just me," he says while plating the food. "I made breakfast for you. And only you."

"Oh." Sasuke hands over a plate and a cup of water. [Name] smiles at the young man, remembering his refusal to make breakfast yesterday. "Thank you."

So moody.

[Name] takes the breakfast to the dining room, and Sasuke follows behind her. As she sets the plate and cup down, Sasuke kisses her cheek with quivering lips.

"I'll see you later," he grumbles before speeding off.

He hears her laugh echo through the halls as she yells, "We're not going to eat together?"


Another laugh emits from her wide mouth before she settles in her seat. Without another second passing, she digs in, unconsciously evaluating Sasuke's cooking skills. Clearly, he wasn't a perfectionist like his brother from the looks of the burnt edges of the egg. Nonetheless, his skills are decent.

Meanwhile, Sasuke sits on the floor of the guest room where his brother sleeps. he plays with the hem of his pajama shirt, cheeks still burning from the kiss. His mind replays last night's conversation. The words love, service, kiss, and boyfriend float around in his noggin.

Acts of service. That's her love language. Acts of service: making her breakfast. She'll love me if I do more of that, right?

Who would've guessed that Sasuke, when infatuated with a person, just acts like another teen in love?


A/N: I'm trying to stay close to his character ugh, but it's difficult, especially since they all fall for MC hard. There is definitely some brotherly competition going on. I thought I wouldn't update this week, but here I am.
Lol. Love y'all. Bye!!

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