Number 17

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Mackenzie, [Name's] best friend, is going back to campus. She only had two and a half weeks of break before she has to leave, and she spent her time with cute anime boys. What better way was there?

They all lounge around in the kitchen, eating snacks and chatting. Madara sits at a barstool along the counter, Shisui stands near [Name], Sasuke sits on the counter near the sink, and Itachi raids the fridge for more snacks. The boys are sad about MacKenzie's leaving, but they're mostly unaffected.

[Name], however, is the most upset about Mackenzie's departure.

"But if you leave," [Name] starts, her eyes all watery and pouty. "Then we won't have a car!"

Mackenzie scoffs. She folds her arms over her chest, feigning offense. "Is that all I'm useful for?!"

"And what about us?" Shisui pipes up. He gestures to his family. "You're abandoning us?!"

Mackenzie softens her posture. "No, I just have to go back to school. I'm sorry to all of you."

"Good riddance," Madara sneers, eating a piece of toast.

Mackenzie laughs, unfazed by his brash nature. "And I'll miss you too, you grumpy old man!"

Mackenzie gazes at her best friend. With [Name] further from her job, she knows that transportation is the hardest at this time. Especially when Adam kept the car.

"Look," Mackenzie sighs and mutters under her breath. "You're going to have to get your car back from Adam. It's your car. It's in your name."

"I know that but, I can't face him," [Name] says, her face scrunching up. The horrid memories fill her mind. The yelling, fighting, verbal abuse. Thankfully he never hit her, just ruined everything she loved. Broke her phone multiple times. Threw a remote into the TV. Even cut up her clothes. "I just can't."

Mackenzie grabs [Name's] shoulders, snapping her out of the embedded fear. "[Name]! You have four trained killers under your nose that'll go to war for you if you asked them to. They already hate Adam as much as I do, so they'll have no problem roughing him up."

Mackenzie turns [Name] towards the boys, who are all staring at them. Big black eyes stare into their souls.

"You need us to kill someone?" Shisui asks in a chipper voice. He sounded so innocent, but the question is inked with evil. 

[Name] shakes her head, the look of terror in her eyes. "No. No!"

Mackenzie speaks for her instead. "[Name] needs to get back her belongings, and her ex-boyfriend, which [Name] has told me you've all already met, has taken all of her stuff, including her only source of transportation, hostage. Please help her. She needs help. Just look at her!"

Mackenzie pushes [Name] forward. The look of a big frown and teary puppy dog eyes on their favorite girl all but melts the boys' hearts.

"So we kill him?" Sasuke asks again, looking at his family for confirmation. They nod, agreeing.

"Don't kill him please," [Name] begs, her bottom lip quivering. "I just want my car back. My dad got it for me when I graduated. It means a lot to me."

"Can we at least punch him?" Madara questions.



[Name] uses Mackenzie's car one more time to travel to her old apartment. She parks in the parking lot and takes a deep breath. She can see a shadow pass by the curtains, and she grips the steering wheel so hard her palms begin to hurt. From the backseat, Shisui places a hand on her shoulder, and says, "We're here for you [Name]. Don't worry."

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