Number 16 *Special*

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When Madara wakes up in the morning, he senses something different in the air. In fact, the room that bombards his nose with thick perfumes fills with something different, something sweeter.

Last night, [Name] didn't sleep next to him like how he expected. Instead, she opted for her own bed and shared it with Mackenzie. Madara grumbles and flicks the blankets off of him. He stalks down the stairs, the sweet scent becoming stronger.

Once he enters the kitchen, he sees [Name] and Mackenzie in a frenzy, making cupcakes and chocolates. Mackenzie is icing the little treats, while [Name] adds a chocolate heart on top. With the finished product done, Mackenzie begins the next one as [Name] finds sprinkles.

Madara figures that they haven't noticed his presence, so he decides to finally speak up, "What the hell are you two doing?"

Mackenzie yelps at the sudden sound of his booming voice, squeezing the piping bag a little too hard, thus spewing a buttload of icing on the cupcake. [Name] groans, and shuffles over to Madara in her yellow apron that Madara thinks she looks super cute in---but he'll never admit it.

"Shoo, old man! Go!" [Name] nags, trying her hardest to push him. He doesn't budge. "We're trying to surprise you four!"

Madara exhales through his nose sharply. His breath fans against her face. "Why?"

Mackenzie chimes in, "Don't you know what day it is?" From the blank expression on his face, she takes it as a no. "It's Valentine's day! So go back to bed! We'll get you when we're ready."

He clicks his tongue and shrugs [Name] off. In his past, he never received chocolates or such treats on Valentine's day. Women were scared of him, they thought he was unapproachable. So this act of kindness that he ultimately spoiled for himself made his heart quiver.

"Fine." Madara huffs and finds his way back to his room.

This act of kindness shined a new, bright of light to his heart, but of course, he'll never admit it.


Twenty minutes, that's all it took. Madara and the other sleepy three, slug to the dining room once [Name] wakes them all up. The dining table looks as if cupid vomited all over it. Heart balloons, cutout hearts, and of course, the desserts the girls made for them adorn the table.

Shisui enters first, and once he's done rubbing his eyes, his jaw drops. "Wow! All for me [Name]?"

"Not in the slightest, fucker," Sasuke scoffs and pushes his cousin aside so he can get a view of the sugary spread.

[Name] laughs. "No, you each get one cupcake and one box of chocolates."

"Is this what we're having for breakfast?" Itachi yawns out, totally okay with having tooth-rotting sugar as his first meal.

"Of course not!" [Name], scoffs. "You'll have it later. Mackenzie and I also made breakfast, don't worry."

At that moment, Mackenzie carries out two plates. Everything on the plate was heart-shaped.

"It was very difficult to make a perfect heart-shaped pancake, so please appreciate it," Mackenzie pouts.

Shisui grins once he receives his plate, giving so many thanks to both of them. The girls serve the rest and watch as the light in the boy's eyes shine a bit brighter.

As they ate, [Name] serves them hot milk tea. "We figured you all had fangirls chasing after you on Valentine's day before, and we didn't want this one to be too different."

Itachi pauses. "I don't remember getting much for Valentine's."

"You had a girlfriend," Sasuke grunts through a mouthful of food. "So, you should have gotten one thing if you were faithful."

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