Number 22

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The response humans know as fight or flight activates once the sympathetic nervous system gives it the signal. This response gives ordinary people the energy and strength to lift cars and fallen trees off themselves once in danger.

Superhuman strength, hypervigilance, a boost in energy and accuracy, all because of danger.

Now, think about what a fight or flight response will do to four previous killers.


With the sun setting and beckoning the night, they're mere shadows flickering through the treetops. They don't need street signs nor GPS; they solely use their memory and navigational skills to track down [Name's] location---they are ninja after all.

"I think we take a left here!" Shisui yells over the wind whipping through all of their ears. Immediately, Madara dashes over some rooftops to the left, Itachi skids to a stop before proceeding left as well. Sasuke follows, hopping from branch to chimney to branch again.

Although their kunai and Madara's gunbai turned to plastic and cardboard upon entering this world, deep within them sleeps their potential. It burns low like fire and exudes from them like heat.

They hop from lamp post to lamp post that edge the sidewalks. Teens on late night walks point up to them, amazed, quickly grabbing their phones for a video. The four men pay them no mind.

They only have one thought on their brain.

Don't worry [Name]. We're coming!


[Name] glares at Adam, clutching to her purse that holds her knife somewhere deep within it. It will take some rummaging to find it, but at least she knows it's there; it's a comforting thought.

"I'm only here for one thing," she says, her voice solid, her gaze unwavering.

Adam smirks, holding his hand out to her. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But have some dinner with me. I made enough for two."

"I don't want any."

He takes a step forward. She takes a step back. It's instinctual. 

"Just have dinner with me, and then I'll give you your stuff."

[Name] grits her teeth. "That wasn't the deal. Give me my shit."

With his arm outstretched, he takes two steps forward. She takes one back.

"Don't be hostile, baby," he coos to her. "I'm being nice."

"Don't call me that."

"Why? It's not like you moved on so quickly." Another step forward, another step back. If he only knew that she did move on, but it's information that he doesn't need to know. After this, she no longer wants to contact him for her own good.

"Where is it?" She snaps, pulling out her phone. "I'm going to call the police if you don't hand it over now."

"Is that really the only reason you came here? For your little toy?" [Name] can see the anger spark in his eyes, but he keeps it suppressed to continue this nice guy facade. "You're being irrational. I'm trying to be nice to you. To apologize."

[Name] swallows thickly. Her eyes cast down. The emotions inside her swell to the point she's holding back tears. She doesn't know why she's here. The days when she explained to her mother and Mackenzie that they'd never understand her and Adam's love come flooding back. She didn't understand it then and still doesn't understand it now.

Why am I here? She asks herself. She knows she doesn't love him anymore, but it still hurts. He's an abuser, not a lover. That's what the boys told her, and that's what she repeats to herself at this moment.

Trapped [Uchiha x Fem!Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now