Number 2

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The rain pounds against the window as the grey skies rumble and crackle with a brewing storm. [Name] kept the lights off and lit candles all around the house to set the mood for tonight. There haven't been any blackouts yet, but she wasn't taking any chances.

Wherever her mother is, [Name] hopes she's okay and not trapped in this storm.

Taking her blanket, she ties it around her neck like a cape and trots to the kitchen. She makes herself some tea and rummages through the cupboards for a sleeve of cookies.

Stress eating is apart of the healing process.

[Name] pulls out her phone and scrolls through her contacts list as she shovels cookies down her throat. Right above the 'Mom' contact is 'Mackie' AKA, Mackenzie. [Name's] best friend since kindergarten.

Her thumb hovers over the screen. She can't pick between her two comforts—her mom and her best friend. So, she closes her eyes and taps the screen. She has a fifty-fifty chance of picking Mackenzie over her mother.

She lifts the phone to her ear and hears it ring a few times before opening her eyes.

A womanly voice answers the phone, "Hello?"

[Name] recognizes the voice and sighs. "Hey, mom, where are you?"

Her mother chuckles. "You're back home, again?"

"Yeah. Where are you?" [Name] repeats as she stirs honey into her tea.

"I'm halfway across the world baby!" She laughs. "Sammy thought I needed a vacation to get away from all that rain."

"So, you're not trapped in this storm like the rest of us poor folk?"

"You're in a storm? You traveled from your place to mine in a storm? You could've crashed your car!"

[Name] leans against the counter, pulling the blanket more on her shoulders. "Well, actually, I didn't drive. I took the bus."

"What?!" Her mother bellows.

[Name] pulls the phone away from her ear, wincing at the loudness. After a second or two, she holds the phone to her ear again.

"Why would you take the bus?! That's like a two-hour bus ride in the rain!"

"It wasn't raining when I left," [Name] defends, her voice turning soft. "And Adam took my car keys. I don't know where he hid them."

There's silence over the receiver. Then a sigh.

"You know what I'm going to say."

[Name] nods, despite her mother not being able to see her. "Communication."

"That's what me and your father had to figure out. God rest his soul," she says. "Before you were born, we always fought, arguing over little things."

[Name] peers down at her tea and half a sleeve of cookies. "Right."

"Communication is key."

It's conversations like these that keep [Name] going.

If Mom and Dad can do it, she thinks. Then so can Adam and I.

"Thank you, mom," she whispers.

"You're welcome, sweetie. Now, I must go. Sammy is just waking up. Bye-bye now!"

"Bye, mom."

The call dies and [Name] rests his phone on the counter. She recollects herself, picking up the pieces of her confidence.

"If mom can do it, so can I."


[Name] returns to her room and continues the episode of Naruto on her laptop. It's the episode where they first introduce Itachi Uchiha.

Trapped [Uchiha x Fem!Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now