Number 4

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Itachi pushes aside the cyan curtains and glances outside. He sees people walking, and strange metal carriages barreling down roads.

"What are those things?" He asks, the question directed to [Name]. Unfortunately, the boys won't leave her room. Madara wants to stay and watch [Name]—to make sure she's not some powerful ninja tricking them all—, Shisui wants to watch Madara and protect [Name], Itachi won't leave Shisui's side, and Sasuke won't leave Itachi's side. So here she is, changing in front of all of them, with Shisui using the blanket to shield her from everyone's eyes.

[Name] glances outside, assuming Itachi is alluding to the cars. "Ah, those are cars. They're way faster than any other type of transport, besides trains and planes."

Itachi wants to ask what a plane is, but would rather not bother the naked girl with so many questions.

[Name] shimmies on a shirt and some shorts, huffing as she does. "Shisui, you can put down the blanket, I'm dressed. Thank you."

Shisui drops the blanket and grins at her. She gives him a quick smile before walking around him and heads for the bathroom. The four follow her.

[Name] tries to ignore them as she rummages through the drawers to find headache medicine. Once she finds them beneath the many hair ties and rubber bands, she gulps them down.

The pill is dry against her throat, leaving a knot welling in her esophagus. This pill also makes her realize all that before her, is real, and she isn't dreaming. However, her denial builds in strength every time she peers at them.

They follow her to the kitchen, where four (convenient) barstools sit in a row along the counter. As they sit, like good boys, all at once, their stomachs ache. Their stomachs twist and quiver at the scent of food.

Black eyes bore into the back of [Name's] head as she shoves bread into a toaster and she can feel it. The piercing gazes of them.

[Name] hunches her shoulders over as the nervousness creeps up her back. Her mind races with irrational thoughts of running away or lashing out at them.

She hears one of them clear their throat. "Ahem, we're hungry, woman."

Oh God, it's Madara. Her mind reels at the thought of serving the man who tried to kill her.

"Hey, gramps! She has a name," the voice she recognizes as Shisui speaks up. "What's your name?"

Slowly, she turns. There's hesitation in her voice when she says, "[Name]."

"Well [Name]," Shisui starts with a grin. "Can you cook for us?"

The toast pops up from the toaster, startling the already jumpy girl. She closes her eyes and breathes. Oh, how badly she wanted to tell them she's not their maid, but she remembers, they are trained killers. Despite their weapons turning fake into the real world, that will not stop then from pulling knives from the silverware drawer and stabbing her outright. Knowing Madara, that's probably what he wants to do right now.

"Um, yes," she mumbles, opening her eyes again to stare at Shisui in his eyes. "But only if you'll help."

She then stares Madara down. "However, I don't want you near knives Madara. So Sasuke and Itachi, can you please take your grandpa into the other room?"

Itachi nods taking Madara's arm as the older man grumbles about how much [Name] is a brat.

The only woman in the room ignores him and pulls out pots and pans as they walk into the living room. Within moments, the TV turns on, and a woman's voice echos through the big house. [Name] hears the woman talk about the storm from last night and more possible storms and rainy days.

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