Number 20

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A bath. All she needs is a bath.

In the low, yellow candlelit room, [Name] relaxes in the biggest bathtub in the house. Bubbles reach her collarbone, the smell of artificial sweet fruits and flowers, and the heat of the water is all she needs to rid her mind of any unnecessary thoughts.

[Name] finally declared all four men to be her boyfriend. She doesn't know why she did it. Possibly because of her ever-decreasing mental health, her life is spiraling out of control, or perhaps because she secretly loves them all.

Of course, she could've opted to take things slow, but she doubts it'll work. Not with these possessive, overly moody men. However, she doesn't know the first step of a polyamorous relationship. Though she thinks it'll be simple, the dynamics of all four men chasing for her attention, time, and love haunts her subconscious. She can't work and tend to these four.

Hopefully, they'll be able to function without me sometimes, She thinks before sinking deeper into the water until the bubbles reach her chin. The hot water gently rolls against her skin, relaxing her muscles and her mind. All will end well, and she knows it.

How am I going to get out of this one? She laughs at herself. Those boys are going to be the death of me.

As [Name] hums along with the song that's playing, she sinks further and wiggles her toes. The moment her mind wanders, a knock comes to the door. She pops up, covering her chest.

"Ah! Wa-" She squeaks out just before the door swings open.

Sasuke steps in, slight anguish painting his face. "Sorry [Name], but I really need to pee."


Before [Name] can object, Sasuke lifts the toilet seat. She shuts her eyes to keep from seeing his privates. She'd rather not repeat the Itachi incident.

"Just... Please be quick," she murmurs, keeping her eyes closed.

"I'm really sorry." She hears the little tinkling sound.

"Why couldn't you use the other bathroom?" [Name] asks.

"Shisui is in there, and he said if I go in there, he'll tear my dick off. I think he's styling his hair."

The toilet flushes, and [Name] opens her eyes fully to see Sasuke at the sink. His cheeks tinted a rosy pink as he washes his hands.

"Again," he starts. He refuses to keep eye contact with her or even turn his head in her direction. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine. When you have to go, you have to go." [Name] shrugs and returns to her relaxation. She closes her eyes but senses Sasuke's presence in the room. "Did you want something, Sasuke?"

He exhales upon hearing his name, body deflating, and brow furrowing. "Are you serious about this?"

[Name's] not stupid---well at least she likes to think herself as averagely intelligent---so she knows what he's hinting towards. Entering a relationship so soon like this, especially a relationship with four men---anime men no less---is pretty risky.

"I'm willing to try it, at the very least," [Name] speaks with sincerity. "I won't treat any of you like a toy, or an extra. I'll actually try. Hell, if I can pour all that effort and unconditional love into Adam, I can do the same to all four of you."

"You promise?" Sasuke's voice shakes, and for some reason, it frightens him. It's been so long since he's showed any emotion other than anger, resentment, or nothing at all. Why did he feel the need to rely on her? Why did he trust her? Why does he love her?

"I promise duckbutt."

She doesn't know it, but that promise means everything to him.


Life is different and yet the same for [Name], with four men fawning over her. They do everything to impress her. Before she even wakes up in the morning for work, breakfast is made, clothes are washed, the house is clean, and surprisingly, they share so much better now that they're all in love with one woman.

They all get a kiss at the door before she leaves for work, and another when she returns; A kiss good-morning and a kiss goodnight. They set up a sleep plan, where they rotate [Name] throughout the four rooms. For one week, she sleeps next to one of the boys.

Together, they work like a well-oiled machine.

No arguments. Yet.

No complaints. Yet.

No backtalk. Yet.

These "yet's" are [Name's] seeds of doubt. The doubt stems from her previous relationship. Adam always had her on the tips of her toes. The constant anxiety, fear, and complacency ruined her perception, causing her to think a relationship was full of arguments, temper tantrums, and emotional abuse. So peace scares her, confessions of love and adoration scare her, compliments, kind words, gentle touching; it all freaks her out in one way or another.

If the loving touches don't turn to sex after a few minutes, she concerns herself with berating thoughts of not being sexy enough. Adam made it a habit to sneer at [Name] if she wasn't always sexually available to him. So with these four, she's quite ready, all the time in fact, and they have yet to take the bait.

Is there something wrong with me? She wonders as she sits alone on the couch. It's one of the rare moments she has time to herself. And in those times, these thoughts are what plague her. It's like Adam is still apart of her and in the worst way possible. It's one thing to rid him from the waking world, but mentally, he's still there, telling her how worthless and undesirable she has become.

"If Mackenzie were here, she'd help me through it," [Name] mutters to no one. Calling her best friend for even the littlest inconveniences was always her plan, but now? It seems too much. [Name] feels like a burden. How is she going to explain the four-way love she's having? How is she going to explain the problem? Everything's too great, and that's the problem!

It sounds ridiculous.

She's still dwelling on her dilemma. The thoughts take up so much of her attention that she doesn't see Madara waltz in the room.

"[Name]," he says. Now that they're together, he uses her name rather than calling her woman. "Would you like a cup of tea? Shisui is making everyone some."

[Name] turns to one out of her four boyfriends and sighs. "Yes, please. But, um, Madara?"


"Can I ask you something?" Before he can snap out a snarky reply, she asks, "Am I, ya know, like, sexy?"

The answer comes quickly, "Absolutely not."

She deflates—a single "Oh" coming from her.

Seeing how serious [Name] is, Madara quickly backpedals. "Oh. You were serious?" He huffs and looks away. "I'm not good at this sort of thing. But you are attractive. I wouldn't have courted you if you weren't. Beauty, power, and wit. That's what I look for in a woman, and you fill all three categories quite nicely."

[Name] stares up at him, her eyes shining brightly at Madara's sincere words. "Really?"

"Yes, really. Now don't tell anyone. They'll think I've gotten soft."

[Name] wants nothing more than to jump up and hug this man, but he leaves the room swiftly, too embarrassed to look her in the eyes. The seeds of doubt were uprooted.

At least for that moment.


A/N: What y'all wanna see?

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