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(Y/n) sat in the kitchen in the turtle's lair, debating on what to steal from their kitchen. She wondered briefly if it was even worth taking anything since all they had was pizza-oriented foods. And eggs for some reason.

She had ice-cream kitty sitting in front of her on the counter as a sort of mock entertainment, but she was really missing the turtles, who had been missing ever since she'd arrived an hour earlier.

Truth be told, she had a teeny tiny crush on one of the turtles, but she would never admit it to herself or anyone else. She would just bury her feelings with her like any other person in love.

(Y/n) finally sighed and turned to face the living room, but did a double-take when she saw all four of the mischievous turtles suddenly standing in the living room in a huddle, whispering feverishly to each other with their hands in front of their bodies, hidden by one another.

(Y/n) raised her eyebrow but stayed put and instead turned to look at ice-cream kitty, who was pouting with an orange in its hands.

"Boys." She sighed and laid her head on the counter, closing her eyes, humming lightly. Ice-cream kitty lightly patted her forehead, leaving a sticky residue behind that (y/n) didn't want to wipe off as she didn't want to offend the small cat. She already knew she would have a pimple there tomorrow, but it was worth it if ice-cream kitty was happy today.

"Uh, hey, (y/n)? We all have something for you." She heard a deep voice say and immediately opened her eyes, sitting up as quickly as she could.

She turned to see all the boys standing in a line, staring at her with their hands behind their backs, obviously hiding something from the curious girl.

"Well, what is it?" (Y/n) questioned, craning her neck to attempt to see what Leonardo was hiding behind him. He quickly shifted to shield the object, giving her a small smirk.

"Okay, guys, on three." Donnie stated as they all shuffled around nervously. Even Raphael ducked his head, avoiding (y/n)'s gaze.

At the same time, they brought their hands out from behind them and held out what they were hiding.

"Popsicles." (Y/n) raised her eyebrows and glanced over the sticky treats.

Leonardo held a blue one, Raphael a red, Donny had a purple, and Mikey held a... primary color.

"Yellow." She said slowly, staring at the frozen stick held between his fingers.

"They didn't have orange." Mikey said sheepishly, turning red as he scuffed the floor with his toe.

"So?" Leonardo said staring at her with wide eyes.

"So." (Y/n) repeated, pursing her lips and glancing at the turtles in front of her.

"We got these for you. Well, obviously not all of them as we wouldn't want you to consume too much aspartame- not that I'm going to stop you! We just thought since aspartame isn't good for anyone-"

Raphael slammed his hand over Donnie's mouth, effectively quieting him. Donnie looked extremely relieved as he slumped over slightly, his eyes lidding.

"Donnie just shush." Raph rolled his eyes. Donnie straightened up a little and side-eyed his brother, giving an offended grunt.

"What Donnie meant was we got them for you because we don't know your favorite flavor, so we just got all of them so you could pick one." Leo gestured to his blue popsicle. What even flavor did he have? Blueberry? Blue raspberry? Gatorade? Who knew with all the ridiculous flavors that existed today.

"Oh." (Y/n) nodded slowly and looked at the flavors offered to her. Clearly the boys were planning something here; she wasn't dumb. They had literally correlated the flavors to the colors they were wearing- they weren't hiding anything.

"Do you like blueberry?" Leo held his popsicle out to her and she held her arm out to it. Well, she had an answer to her earlier question.

"Well, actually-" She started, but was cut off.

"Or cherry." Raph copied Leo as they glared at each other, pushing their popsicles together in competion.

"Don't forget grape." Donnie cried as he leaned forward to eagerly enter his treat in the contest.

"Or... lemon." Mikey sulked as he sadly held his limply out to (y/n), not even caring at that point.

(Y/n) giggled nervously as she attempted to gently push the boys hands away from her before their popsicles dripped onto her clothes. They were melting quickly from the constant heat the turtles needed to live down here in the freezing cold sewers.

"Guys." She said, sighing as she realized they were no longer listening to her. They had now moved over to the halfway point between the living room and kitchen to scream at each other. At least the girl wouldn't be covered in popsicle juice.

Leo, Raph, and Donnie were in their own little world having a glaring contest while their popsicles melted slowly down their hands as Mikey sat on the floor next to the couch, rocking back and forth sobbing about how he hated lemon and just wanted something orange.

Honestly, mood.

Seeing as they were obviously done with their little "experiment", she just shrugged and turned back to the counter, resting her elbows on the edge of it as she sighed, the boys having already taken all of the energy she had.

"I was just going to tell them that I prefer ice-cream." She kissed the top of ice-cream kitty's nose and giggled as the cat laced its hands together bashfully, swaying back and forth with happiness.


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