Flight of time

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I see you've sent me a text,
It's nice to know you're thinking of me,
Always the highlight of my day,
I could talk to you for hours on end,
About anything and everything,

The sun will sink and fade,
While stars blossom into being,

I stretch and check the clock,
Is it really 2am?!
It's funny how time flies by
When you are having the time of your life,
I should really let you sleep,
But something tells me that
You're feeling the same way,
Are we going to be here all night?

You always seem to make me smile,
Even if I'm crying
You show me the sun.
I never want to leave you
Behind, on this track I walk along
And I wish you were here,

I'm waiting for that blessed moment when
I'll see you again,
But in the meantime while we go about
And live our lives my thoughts are with you,

Now the sky is still dark but
I'm still talking to you,
And you don't seem like you're going to leave
Any time soon,
With tired eyes I glace over at the clock,
Is it really 3am?!
I can't believe that the time
Has flashed by once more,
I know we should really get some sleep,
But the happiness that you bring me
Is driving me to stay,
I'd stay here with you all night,

I'm planning a trip to see you,
The long stretch is worth the wait,
And before I know it I'll be there
By your side once more,
Sadly just as time fast approaches
As does the day I must depart again.

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