Fairytale lies

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Mirror mirror,
On the wall,
Well I gotta tell you that
Her love's falling
Falling hard out of love with her.

She can't see that,
He isn't the fairest of them all,
She's taken a bite of the apple,
And she's drifted under a spell.

"Mirror mirror,
In my hand,
Who's the fairest in the land?"
Such a lie to say,
And one day it will pay.

Girl I have to tell you,
Dreams gotta have work
To come true,
And if he isn't the one
For you then you gotta
Tell the truth.

Tell me boy is she
The prettiest girl you've ever seen?
Does your heart leap
When she smiles at you?
Or is it all a short term fling?

Mirror mirror,
To your depths I seek,
Why are all relationships
Based off these cheap
Fairytale lies in which,
You gotta sell your soul
To a witch to make
Miracles happen.

It's all unrealistic and untrue,
Young girls and boys raised in a world,
With unrealistic gender stereotypes.
Girls think they are
Damsels in distress,
Boys think they have to be
Knights in shining armour.

Saving the princess from the wicked witch.
All it takes is a kiss
Of true love from a handsome prince?
Well I'm not going to wait
A hundred years.

Mirror mirror,
What does it all mean?
Why does this world feed
Off these fairytale lies?
Is it to create a better image?
Well I'm going to write my own story
And paint my own cover.
It may not be as glossy as the fairytales
We've all heard a thousand times,
But at least it's the truth.

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