Chapter 2--Lost in Space

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"Did you use all the anti-acid kits thinking I am not getting back up?" I hope they took that cretin Leavitt off the coms and put somebody nice and pleasing whose body I want to fantasize about like oh I don't know---Major Tom-- back on them.

"Fuck no, Titus, we thought they looked like they taste good so we put them in a big damn gift basket for you wrapped up real nice---" they did not take him off the coms, in case you were wondering.

"All right, fine," I sulk. I've already used my emergency anti-acid kid on my face and leg, but the patches only do so much good there's better ones on our ships. "I'm not going to keep calling if you are just going to be cruel to me."

"Good, good because thing is Card, I really, truly don't want to die listening to your arrogant whiny little voice," he hisses. I can still hear shouting and gunfire in the background damn it to hell, why haven't the Isylgyns picked up on the communication I sent that there were Russian ships bearing down on them? I'm going to have to just call a cease fire and explain it later, at this rate.

"I'm your ranking officer I can actually have you court martialed for that," I say. I'm a Major, he's only a Captain, so I can technically try but the problem is the person I'd report it to is Thorn and he says that sort of thing about me on almost a daily basis since I tricked him into flying a squadron into an asteroid which he can't prove I did but he and I both know I did.

"Considering I am so very dead as well as medically discharged due to lack of limbs, I couldn't possibly care less, how is being brilliant down there going for you, by the way?" he asks, his voice is slurred.

"How much morphine have you taken?" I ask, frowning. He shouldn't even be conscious with the pain he's bound to be in let alone blood loss.

"Enough to keep me shooting the slimy bastards and talking to the slimy bastard trying to get the power back on," he says. He's really taking this death-discharge thing too far. The problem is he's right I can't actually do anything to him right now. Oh, wait, I already cut his legs off. that's okay I can stand a little verbal abuse.

"Yes, you're very funny, experiencing any ghost pains from your feet which are still in our ship?" I ask, tapping on the keys of the computer bank as I eat another cookie.

"Fantastically enough, yes, it feels like my entire lower half is being ripped apart by wild dogs, thank you so much for asking," he says, icily, "Now, how is the power grid?"

"Complicated, how's Major Tom?" I ask.

"Alive, unlike me," Quentin says, he's really far gone, "That's okay, funny I never wanted to die out here. Stupid job to have when I don't want to die in space."

"Yes, incredibly stupid, but then you are," I say, reaching for another cookie.

"If you are still eating, Card, I will crawl down there and shoot you," he hisses.

"I'm drinking now, actually," I say, past swallowing the cookie, as an Isylgyn brings me a pack of milk. Not even expired. Lovely. I thank it, muting my mic so Leavitt won't hear me.

"Why'd you mute it?" he asks. Suspicious bastard.

"I hit it by accident, trying to adjust the anti-acid packs on my face," I growl.

"Oh, they got you in the face? Nice how bad?" he asks, not sounding particularly sorry. Almost like he knows I meant to cut his legs off.

"Not that bad, my legs are worse," I say, moving my legs to keep the feeling in them. "You out of water yet?"

"Have been for two hours thank you so much for bringing up such a sore subject when you know for a fact I'm dying of thirst from blood loss," he says.

"You're welcome," I say. That is of course why I brought it up.


"Jo, I need you to help me get somebody out of the hospital tonight," I say, tapping my earpiece. I say it as loudly as I dare, stepping into the breakroom. Nobody else is there, but I'm still on edge.

"What---are we kidnapping somebody?" she grunts.

"No, it's some kid, a mutant," I explain, "We need to get her out of here."

"Okay, taking a kid is the definition of 'kidnapping', but I'll go with it and I want you to appreciate that there are very few people you can just randomly call up and ask to help you kidnap somebody," she says.

"I appreciate and love you madly, room 202, I'll create a distraction," I say.

"Fine, where do you want me to put the kid---you better not be thinking my place---"

"Your place is an abandoned warehouse. We can't put her in my flat," I point out.

"Okay, fine, but you have to help me feed it."

"Deal, see you tonight," I say, hanging up just an orderly walks in.

"Dr. Lutz, the night nurse left some messages for you," the orderly says.

"Lovely, thanks," I say, smiling quickly, "Just put the files in my office---and would you have them send up a lunch from the cafeteria? I don't think I'll have time to go down today."

"Yes, ma'am," the orderly says, and leaves. Good, now Jo can't say I didn't bring food.


Morning PE run is usually diverting, the air is cool and fresh, and I don't mind running. It's relaxing a bit, and I like the way it makes my skin feel, all tingling and cold.

"Cadet Card," one of our instructors, a singularly unpleasant woman named Borne, walks up.

"Yes, ma'am?" I ask, politely.

"You're excused from classes for the remainder of the day, in consideration for the recent tragedy," she says. It actually takes me a few moments to realize what she's talking about. of course my dad's squadron is lost. He'll come home. he promised me he would, when I asked him, he said nothing could ever stop him from coming home. So he will. He's never broken a promise and I see no reason to believe he will now. But he said to take advantage of any little privilege they might offer me since he's the best Spaceman in the Force.

"Thank you, ma'am," I say, I see Aiden craning his neck hopefully at me, "Can one of my friends come with me to my dorm? So I have someone to talk to---" I tip my head down and look sad like my dad says makes me look pathetic. We practiced one afternoon because it does not come naturally to me.

"Ah---yes, go on," she says, nodding Aiden who practically bounces to my side.

"Thank you, ma'am," I say, as the two of us back away to run back to the dorms.

"You okay?" he asks.

"My dad doesn't need rescuing," I say.

"Okay, whatever, you want to get into trouble?"


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