2- Stripper Hoe .

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Ari and Yosohn


After 2 days they finally let me out the hospital and I was able to go home.

"Marquise, that is not how you strap the car seat in" I said watching him put it facing the front of the car.

"Then how you do it" He said frustrated and I got up from the wheelchair and passed him the baby and fixed it.

"Put him in there carefully" I said watching him.

The nurse left with the wheelchair and I got in the backseat with Yosohn.

"Y'all good?" He said as he put his seatbelt on and looked back at us.

"We straight" I said then he started driving.

"Be careful! It's speed bumps ahead" I said but it was too late. He ran over them fast as hell causing my baby to cry.

"Aw hell nah, get me the fuck outta here this nigga can't drive" I said then put his pacifier in his mouth.

"I got this, chillout" Ace said then chuckled nervously.

After we made it to the house safely Ace took Yosohn to his nursey then came back downstairs.

He sat on the couch and closed his eyes.

"Ace get up!" I said putting my feet on him.

"No baby, I'm tired" He said and I raised my eyebrow.

"YOU tired? Boy please" I said and he slightly shrugged and let sleep take over his body.

I rolled my eyes then decided to do the same thing. I curled up under him then pulled a blanket off the arm of the couch and fell asleep.

About an hour into my nap I felt Ace tapping me, so I looked up.

"Babyboy crying" He said with his eyes still closed.

"Bitch! You heard it first why you ain't go check on him. Fucking lazy bitch" I said getting up.

"Oh suck my dick Ari" He said and I laughed and started walking up the stairs.

I opened the door and heard his cries from his crib. I walked over to him and picked him up and supported his head.

"You hungry mookie?" I said then put a paci in his mouth and walked down stairs to the kitchen.

I rocked him side to side as I grabbed the breast milked I pumped at the hospital.

I can't do breast feeding.. he suck too hard, SORRY.

I gently took the pacifier out of his mouth then sat down on the couch and fed him.

I sighed then rested my eyes till he finished.

As I burped him Ace grabbed his phone and checked the time.

"Damn it's only 4?" He said then got up stretching.

"No it's only 4" I said mocking him.

He flicked me off then walked to the kitchen.

"You hungry mook?" He said and I smiled.

"Yess, I really want some-"

"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Yosohn" He said and my face changed from happy to irritated.

"Marquise, keep fucking around and get popped" I said and he laughed.

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