3- Can't Raise A Man .

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Briana Fletcher

the next day

I woke up to Ace about to leave out the door. I sat up rubbing my eyes trying to get a clear view.

"Where you going?" I said then cleared my throat.

"The spot" He said which was the trap.

I nodded then got up and did my daily hygiene. After I finished in the bathroom I went to the closet and put on something simple but cute.

I walked down the hall to the nursery and saw Ace changing his diaper.

I smiled at the sight then sat down in the rocking chair.

"Who taught you how to change a diaper nigga? You got other kids?" I said and he chuckled.

"Nah mane, my mama did" He said and I nodded.

"I thought you was finna bounce" I said and he shrugged.

"Y'all more important" He said and I blushed at his words.

"Since we're dressed already, you wanna go somewhere with Sohn?" I said and he nodded.

"What you thinking bout doing?" He asked me and I smirked.

"Family pictures" I said and he nodded with a slight smile.

"Fasho..ima get my lul man looking decent. Go change into something black and white" He said and I groaned but got up.

I walked inside the closet and found a pair of white fitted jeans, and a black shirt along with my black MK sandals.

I walked out and saw Ace and Sohn waiting for me.

We got in the car and I got on my phone.

I ordered it the day I welcomed Yosohn into this world.

Once we got to the place the photographer was pretty as hell, and I wish Ace would try some funny shit.

"Okay stand here... head up" She said directing Ace.

She started snapping pictures of us for a solid 5-10 minutes.

"Alright.. is that all you guys want?" She as she showed us the photos on the camera.

"Yea thanks, how much is it?" I said and she checked something.

"$75" She said and Ace paid.

"Thank you for coming out, my name is Natalie and if you ever need photos come to me" She said and she nodded.

I left with Yosohn to the lobby and got on my phone recording him as we waited for the pictures.

Soon Ace and Natalie came out and he had the pictures in his hand.

He nodded his head towards the door and we left.

We drove in silence till he started speaking.

"You know I love you right?" He said looking at me through the mirror.

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