19- Waffle House.

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Ariana Fletcher


I opened my eyes then looked out the window seeing it was sunrise.

I sat up in the bed but didn't see Ace which made me wonder.

"Where this nigga at?" I mumbled then got out the bed to brush my teeth and wash my face.

After I finished I grabbed my phone off of the charger and headed down the hall to Adri's room.

"Aw hell nah..." I said seeing she wasn't in there.

"ADRIANNA!" I shouted then heard her voice come from downstairs.

I went downstairs and saw all the kids cuddled up next to Ace as they watched The Lion King.

"Goodmorning ma" Yosohn said and I smiled.

"Good morning baby" I said then laid down next to them on the couch.

"What y'all wanna do today?" Ace said and I shrugged.

"Go shopping!" Taylor said and I checked the time.

"We can go in about an hour" I said then yawned.

"Mama i'm hungry" Adri said rubbing her tummy.

"What you wanna eat baby?" I asked her as I typed something in my phone.

"Mcdonald's" She said and I scrunched my face up.

"Uh Uhn, pick something else" I said and she groaned.

"But you asked me what I wanted to eat!" She said and I looked away from my phone then at her.

"Lower yo tone, It needs to be something everyone wants to eat Adrianna" I said and she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Ma can we go to Waffle House?" Yosohn said and I thought about it.

"Y'all want Waffle House?" I said and Ace shrugged.

"I guess" Adri mumbled.

"That's fine" Tay said and I nodded.

"Ace, gone head... i'll text you the order" I said with a smile.

"Mane, fuck allat" He mumbled.

"Aight bruh... I'll go but ian bring you shit back" I said getting up to go upstairs and change.

"Ari stop playing wit me dude" He said and I scoffed and put my house shoes on.

I grabbed my keys off of the counter and my purse then went downstairs.

"Mommy I want-" Adri started.

"I know what you want baby" I said and she smiled.

"Love y'all" I said before leaving the house.

I got in my Range Rover and pulled out the driveway.

I looked down at my phone and the road at the same time as I texted Jayda.

I pulled into the parking lot of Waffle House and parked.

I got out of the car, going inside, now ordering.

"$34.70" She said and I swiped my card and waited for my food.

As I waited a man approached me with the whitest smile I've ever seen.

"Hello beautiful, you caught my eye from across the room. Can I get your number and take you out sometime?"

"No sir... I got 3 kids and I have a boyfriend" I said and he shrugged.

"I have a daughter of my own, That doesn't stop me from talking to you" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Sir, I said I have a man" I said and he chuckled.

He handed me a card with his number on it before walking away.

"Ariana?!" The lady shouted and I got my food then slowly grabbed the card.

at home

"I'm backkk!" I said as I walked in, seeing they were now watching Friday.

"Hey mama" Taylor said getting up from the couch to the table.

"Hey ma" Yosohn said sitting down on the chair.

"Mama you got my waffle, bacon and eggs?" Adri said as she walked to the table.

"Yes baby.." I said and she smiled sitting down.

Ace walked towards the table and I laughed.

"Why you over here, Ian get shit for you" I said as I placed their plates of food on the table.

"Ari stop playing with me" He said and I chuckled.

"Here you big ass baby" I said then sat down to eat my food.

As I was about to take a bite of my waffle Adri asked "Can you cut my waffle for me?"

"I gotchu" Yosohn said making my heart smile.

"Thanks big brother" She said and I continued to eat my food.

"Bae some nigga tried to hit on me at the damn Waffle House" I said and Ace locked eyes with me.

"What he was talm bout?" He asked me.

"Trynna be my nigga or sum shit, I told him I had 3 kids and a boyfriend but he did not give a fuck" I said laughing.

"Period pooh the freak" Taylor said and I laughed again.

"If he try to talk to you again, Ima shoot him" Ace said and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Yosohn, Yo cousins coming over" I said and he smirked.

"Oh yeaaa" He said and Ace shook his head.

"Mommy i'm full" Adri said and I looked at her plate.

"You ain't getting off of this table till you finish the rest of that food" I said and she frowned.

"Don't start that crying shit, ima give yo ass some to cry about" I said and she fixed her face real quick and got the fork and started eating.

30 minutes later

"Bruh you cheating!" LA said as him and Yosohn played 2k.

"Ain't nobody cheating cuh, you jus suck" Yosohn said and I shook my head.

"Is y'all gone pass the stick son?!" Javo said as he watched them play for the second time in a row.

"You can wait nigga" Yosohn said mumbling the curse word.

"Mama Sohn up in here cussing! Come beat him back to Africa" Taylor said and I just shook my head.


"Yes ma'am!" I heard him call out.

"Bitch they is bad" I said to Tae.

"Girllaa...whoop them fuckers" He said and I laughed.

"I do bitch, I do" I said.





alright niggas. I'm finna show y'all the characters for the Sequel in the next chapter. Then THE LAST book will be published in about 2 days or less.

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