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"I don't want to go, mom," I whined as I sat in the passenger's seat, looking over at her.

She sighed. "You have to. Now, please, Arabella. I have to get to work."

I pouted and looked at the school building in front of us. The parking lot was swarming with teenagers, all not too happy to be here on this cold Monday morning. "High school sucks," I replied. "I'm only doing this for you."

"Okay," she chuckled. "I'll take that. Now hop on out, I've got places to be."

I smiled and kissed her cheek, grabbing my backpack from the floor. "Alright. Spaghetti for dinner?"

"Deal," she chuckled. "I'll see you later. Ride home with your brother, okay?"

I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the car. "Good. See ya!"

I slammed the car door shut and swung my backpack over my shoulder, looking over the parking lot. My brother's truck was standing a couple lots away, reflecting the sad September sky.

Hero Parker Hayes - yes, his name was Hero, my parents had a thing for unusual names - was my very obnoxious brother who had ditched me at home because I was late. I guess I deserved it, but that didn't make it less of a dick move.

I started walking, headed towards the the building's entrance. I dreaded it. This had been my brother's school for three years now, he was now a senior. I went to a different high school for two years, until a couple months ago my mom decided I was enrolling here. For practical reasons, she said, but if we're honest I think she did it so I could ride to school with my brother.

I let out a sigh as I pushed open the doors, I hated the starting days of school. Especially now that I knew practically no one. I knew my brother and some of his friends, and that was it.

I looked around, spotting my brother at the back of the hallway. I frowned and near to stomped over to him, pushing Liam - one of his friends - aside.

"Hero," I started. "Thanks for leaving me at home on the first day of school. Really appreciate it, asshole."

He chuckled. "Wouldn't have left you if you didn't spend hours in the bathroom."

Liam laughed as he looked me up and down. "It was worth it though."

Hero frowned at his friend and hit him in the arm. "Will you stop hitting on my little sister? It's weird."

"I've known her since forever," Liam spoke and threw an arm around my shoulders. "She knows I'm joking. And you should, too."

My brother rolled his eyes and I shook my head. "You guys are weird. Now, if you are the popular guys at school, how come you're on your own?"

Liam shrugged. "Most of our friends aren't here yet, the others are scattered about. Don't you worry about us, our clique will be united by lunch break."

"You call it a clique? Gross. Now, I'm slowly backing away from you to pick up my paper work so please. Do not follow me. Thank you and see you later," I said as I shrugged Liam's arm off my shoulders and waved at the guys. Liam grabbed my shoulder before I could turn around.

"Wait, just real quick," he said. "There's nasty people at this school. If anyone bothers you, just let us know."

Hero nodded, shrugging. "Yeah, I'll beat them up."

"We'll be your saviors!" Liam exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't need you dipshits defending me, thanks anyways. Now, I'm leaving before I'm late."

I turned around and started walking in the direction of the main office. Liam started singing in my direction. "I can be your hero, baby!"

I heard Hero chuckle in the increasing distance. "I'm already Hero, Enrique."

𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 • 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now