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"Fuck," I swore as I couldn't find Colby anywhere. I thought of all the places he could be, but he was at none of them.

I sighed as I walked back out of the changing rooms' building I had just so stealthily sneaked into. "Found what you were looking for?" I heard beside me.

And yes, ladies and gentlemen and all who identify as neither, there he stood. With his back against the wall, smoking a cigarette. As if he was begging me to throw a punch at his face.

"You fucking-," I started, but he interrupted me.

"Watch your words now," Colby chuckled. "You wouldn't want to make it worse."

I looked at him through narrowed eyes. "What did you do?"

"Nothing," he shrugged. "Yet."

I shook my head. "You're not doing anything."

"No?" he asked. "We'll see about that when break's in a couple minutes and your little clique has to pass through here."

I sucked in a sharp breath. "I don't think so."

"Don't try to be something you're not, Arabella," he told me, an eyebrow raised.

As if I knew what the fuck that meant. "You're not touching them. This is between you and me, and in all fairness, you caused this mess."

"Is that so?" he asked amused after taking a long drag from his cigarette. "I'm not the one disturbing everyone's view of the football game."

"What are you even doing here, I'm serious. You should leave," I hissed at him. "You're an ungrateful asshole and you hate me and everything I stand for, including the football team. You should just fucking go."

He dropped his cigarette onto the grass before stepping closer to me. He spoke lowly. "I'm gonna let this slide for once because I know your lightweight ass is drunk as shit but if you're gonna keep this up I'm gonna have to act on it."

"Not scared of you," I replied in a singing manner, childishly crossing my arms over my chest.

It went so fast I didn't even process it happening. One moment I was standing across from him, the next he had me pushed against the wall. And not in a good way.

His eyes were dark and wild, his face dead serious. It was insanely intimidating, and I wouldn't have admitted it, but in that moment I truly was scared. "Have fun taking care of your boyfriend tonight."

He pushed himself off me and walked off. My eyes went wide, my mind suddenly sobering up a bit. "Wait! Colby, wait!"

"Now what?" he snapped as he turned around quicker than my eyes were capable of registering.

I put a hand up to my forehead, sighing. "If I agree to continue the tutoring thing, will you leave them alone?"

He raised his eyebrows. "What makes you think I'd agree to that?"

"The fact I know you need it. You can cheat your way through your homework and maybe even your quizzes, but there's no cheating through your exam," I explained, crossing my arms.

I heard voices coming our way. I had been so caught up in this mess, I hadn't realized half the game had been over already. My eyes widened. "Go."

Colby rolled his eyes and turned around, his walking away confirming to me he was taking the offer.

"Hey, Ara, whatcha doing here?" Tyler asked once the team turned the corner and spotted me.

I shrugged. "Came to speak encouraging words and all and tell you you've been doing great." Truth be told I had no idea how they were doing.

"Yeah, I would agree, besides the fact we're losing," Hero added. "But you weren't there to see it, were you, Ara?"

My mouth went dry. If they saw me leave the bleachers, they probably saw Colby leave. "What?"

"Don't worry about it, it happens to us all sometimes," Liam chimed in with a laugh.

So you guys tutor Colby Brock as well, under constant threats?

I chuckled as well, having no idea what he was talking about. "Yeah."

Hero shook his head. "I sure hope you didn't throw up anywhere besides in the toilet."


"No, no! I didn't throw up after all. I did come here feeling nauseous but I popped some pills and stayed close by the toilets just in case, but I'm better now," I nodded.

"That's no drinks for you at the afterparty," Tyler smiled. "Because joke's on you, we actually are winning."

Shit, no drinks? How was I going to survive? Especially if that brown haired douche was coming as well. I covered up my thoughts and smiled back. "That's wonderful, guys. I'm proud of you lot."

By now, most of the team had gathered around us so I took the opportunity the address them. "And, once more and for the last time, Tyler and I are not dating!"

With a few chuckles from the team and one more 'good luck', I left to go back to the bleachers. I noticed Colby wasn't behind Emilia anymore, so he must've taken the advice and left.

"You good?" Emilia asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, fine. Did you tell Hero or Tyler we were drinking? He asked me if I threw up."

"Jenny told Liam," she said. "That must be how he knows. Or he just saw. Did everything go well with, y'know?"

I shook my head. "I couldn't find him anywhere. Don't tell anyone about what happened, please?"

She sighed. "Fine."

"Jenny, you neither, please," I chuckled.

She laughed. "Nah, of course not. You're good."

"Thanks," I smiled small. "Anyways, what are the numbers?"

"They're twenty to zero," Jenny replied. "So they're good."

I nodded. "Wow. That's great."

During the rest of the break, I poured as many beers down my throat as I could before the guys came back out onto the field. That would have to do for the night. Maybe I could sneak a drink at the party.

When the game came to an end, the result were forty to fourteen. Emilia, Jenny and I stood by the building I was at earlier, waiting for them to come out clean again.

"Woooo!" I cheered as Hero exited with Tyler and Liam. "Well done, guys!"

"Time to party!" Liam yelled in reply, leaving me chuckling.

• • •

[ Author's note ]

because my other story 'in the middle of it all' hit 15k ♡

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