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I didn't know how I was supposed to survive school that Monday. I couldn't face Colby, not after finding out about what my own blood had done to him.

Speaking of Hero, I had successfully avoided him all weekend. Even now I was walking all the way to school, because I couldn't bare facing him. I didn't know what I would do if I did.

I now understood why Colby wouldn't tell me about what had happened. I understood why he wanted me to hear it from Hero. However, I thought that if Hero had told me the truth about how Gabriela ended up, I wouldn't have spoken to him - perhaps ever again. And I knew he knew that, too.

I let out a sigh, I was nearly at school but it was freezing outside. In a desperate attempt to keep at least some of my remaining body heat, I wrapped my arms around myself and started walking a little faster.

A car stopped next to me - I recognized it as Colby's. I watched as the windows rolled down, his face appearing behind the glass. "You good?"

I nodded. "Excellent."

"What are you doing out here?" he continued, looking confused as ever. "It's 30 degrees." [Editor's note: about 0 degrees celsius]

I nodded. "I am very much aware, thank you. Also, I'm going to school."

"Walking?" he asked, still confused.

"Well, yeah," I replied, motioning around with my hands. "It's not swimming if that's what you're confused about."

He rolled his eyes and reached over the console to pop open the door on my side. "Get in."

I was hesitant, still feeling guilty about everything. "It's fine, it's not that far anymore."

"If you're not getting into the car right now, I will come out there myself and haul your stubborn ass in," he spoke, not blinking once.

I looked from the pavement back to him, trying to shake whatever I was feeling that shouldn't be there - whether it was guilt or something else - but I just couldn't. I shook my head, looking down again. "No, I'm fine, thank you."

I think he let out a sigh, but I could have misheard as I was already walking again. It was only about ten minutes more of a walk so I could manage that.

The car rolled by beside me, Colby again speaking up to me. "Arabella."

"Hmm," I let out, without shifting my view from before me.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Nothing. I just need a little time for myself."

He sighed. "Can that not be in 30 degree weather with you out here all alone? You know what kind of people hangs around here."

"I doubt they're up at eight in the morning," I replied.

The car stopped, and he undid his seat belt. "Well, I'm not taking any chances."

"What are you doing?" I asked as I watched him get out of his car on this godforsaken, empty road.

He walked towards me. "Dragging your ass into my car."

"Colby, please, I just need to think," I objected, but it was to no avail.

"You can think in my car or at school, come on."

I sighed and looked at his face, taking in his features. He looked troubled - he probably was. As he was all the time.

I couldn't blame him.

"Fine," I gave in, his face lighting up.

He opened the car door for me to get in and then ran around to get into his own seat. And then he drove off.

He really kept his word - staying silent all the way to school - leaving me to my thoughts. But in all honesty, I was just trying to suppress everything as much as I could.

As we arrived at school, the both of us stayed in his car for a few seconds longer. Colby was the first to break the silence. "Why were you walking to school?"

I shrugged. "Because I can."

He let out a dry chuckle. "Nobody walks to school because they can in the freezing cold."

"Maybe I'm nobody," I replied, looking out the window. We were parked in the far back so there wasn't much to see.

"For real," he said. "Why?"

I sighed and dragged my hands over my face, into my hair. "I can't face him."

"You can't face him?" Colby repeated slowly. "Because of what I told you?"

I shrugged. "I guess."

He breathed out and I turned my head back to look at him. "See, this is why I didn't want to tell you."

"No, no, I'm glad you told me because he would never have. I just need to process this," I replied, shaking my head. "I'm sorry, this isn't about me."

"No, Arabella, this is about you. I don't want you to avoid your brother because of me," he spoke, turning a little towards me in his seat. "Don't do that. He's your family."

"And she was yours and he took her from you," I responded, pulling my backpack from inbetween my feet to my lap.

For a moment it seemed like he didn't know what to say, but after a seemingly careful few seconds of thinking he replied anyways. "And I'm starting to let her go. You avoiding your brother is not bringing her back, and I don't want you needlessly bearing a burden that isn't yours. Please, just talk to him about it and try to move on. It would help me sleep at night."

I studied his face for a couple seconds, thinking about his words. Eventually I nodded. "Fine. I'll try."

He let out what seemed to be a sigh of relief and reached over me to open the car door on my side. He chuckled. "C'mon, or we're gonna be late for that math test I'm totally gonna ace because of you."

• • •

[ Author's note ]

sooooo my classes for the upcoming three weeks got cancelled because of covid-19 and though i'd much rather have school than a national health crisis, that DOES mean i may have more time to write??? (that is if college doesn't bombard me with work i have to do at home or online classes, i'll keep you updated)

stay safe and healthy everyone and remember to wash your hands and stuff!!! ♡

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