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A few minutes after I had sat down in math class, Colby walked in as well. We went in separately, just in case anyone saw us. I was sitting in his spot, he was in mine - the one next to Emilia.

"Alright, class," the old man in front of us spoke from behind his desk. "It's time for your quiz."

I heard a couple people mutter but Mr. Williams didn't really pay attention to them, continuing to distribute the papers. Looking down at the letters and numbers and other symbols on the page, I felt like crying. Everything seemed as if it was moving around the white surface, and I couldn't focus on anything.

I dropped my pen down onto the test and slid my hands over the sides of my face and into my hair, where I rested them. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to get my shit together.

Come on, Ara. You're alright. Worry about tomorrow a little later.

"Arabella?" the teacher whispered to me as he stood beside me. "You alright?"

I sat up again and nodded, letting my hands fall to my desk again.

He looked at my blank paper and picked up my pen, handing it to me. "You can do it. I know you can."

I smiled small and took the pen from his hands. "Thank you."

With a short nod, he left for his desk again, and I looked back down at the page. Slowly but surely, I was able to jot down some answers - not entirely sure they were correct but it was something - and hand in my test.

"Is it okay if I go to the restroom for a second?" I asked the teacher.

He nodded. "Sure, but bring your stuff because this period's almost ending. Glad you were able to fill in the questions."

I nodded and collected my stuff, Colby giving me a weird look that I decided to ignore. I ventured off into the hallway, making my way across the building. I didn't know what had just happened in there but I did know it was probably just stress -- it was scary though.

Once I reached the restroom, I walked straight up to one of the sinks and leaned on it, looking at my reflection for a moment.

I looked a bit paler than usual, the bags under my eyes a painfully visible marker of my sleepless night. I had to stop this, it was getting out of hand.

Get yourself together, I told myself, and took a deep breath as I turned on the water. It was cool as I dipped my hands under it, but it was needed. Cold water always gave me that little extra wake-up boost in the morning.

As I turned off the faucet, I reached for a paper towel and dried my hands - then readjusted my backpack strap over my shoulder. Just as I walked out of the restroom, the bell rang, and I made my way towards my next class.

The next couple classes went by very slowly. I was feel anxious all day long - to the point I thought I was going to vomit - and when lunch finally came around, I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I was going home before I had a panic attack in the middle of this hellish place and made that the school's next subject of laughter. I could already picture it.

Omg have you seen Hero's sister hysterically cry in the hallway?! So pathetic!!! Tyler probably rejected her ass, or maybe it was because she has no friends left after ditching Emilia!!!!

It was the number one reason why I fucking hated high school. All the students, all the gossip, it didn't matter what school you changed to - it was all one and the same.

I pushed open the doors and walked out into the cold air, it was almost November. I thought I was gonna be able to sneak off without anyone noticing, but as usual, Colby stood there smoking his daily lunch cigarette. It seemed to be the only lunch he had when he wasn't eating mine.

"Hey, you good?" he asked, eyeing me.

I nodded, clutching my backpack. "Fine. How did the quiz go?"

He smiled. "It went great. Thanks to you, of course."

I shook my head. "You did that all on your own. I'm happy for you."

"Well, I still need the results back, so I guess I shouldn't jinx it."

I nodded and reached into my backpack, taking out the lunch I had wrapped in tin foil. "Here."

Colby looked from my extended hand to my face with a puzzled look. "What?"

"Take it, it's not going to be eaten if you don't."

"Why?" he pushed on, taking a last drag from his cigarette before pushing it out on the garbage can and tossing it in.

I let out a small sigh and reached for his hand, opening it and placing the wrapped food in it. "I don't feel too good, I'm going home to sleep it off."

"Oh," he said and looked at the road. "You sure there's nothing you need to talk about?"

I nodded again. "I'll be fine. You try not too miss me too much."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Alright. Hero taking you home?"

I shook my head, looking towards the road - where he was looking earlier. "I'm gonna walk."

"Like hell you are," he replied and reached into his pocket for his car keys. "I'll drive you there, you're gonna get even more sick if you walk home in this cold."

"Okay, mom," I chuckled softly, too drained to object. I was secretly glad I didn't have to walk.

He laughed and pushed himself off the wall, gesturing towards the parking lot. "Come on."

• • •

[ Author's note ]

(if there's any weird mistakes in this chapter, i'm sorry, i finished this at two in the morning and am very tired rn - feel free to point anything out politely x)

soooo seems i spoke too soon last chapter because i hAVE SO MUCH HOMEWORK!!! college was the biggest trap i have ever walked into i'm telling ya. anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!!

stay safe, stay healthy, stay inside, wash your hands. i know we're standing in front of hard times, but together we'll make it a little more bearable. i'll try to post again sooner this time. love u all ♡

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