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You're everything I love

And everything I hate

Compiled behind a beautiful, pearly-white gate

Which you always keep locked

Yet you gave me the key

At first I didn't know why, but now I can see

Your love is pure

Your love will never judge

And I don't think I've ever seen you hold a grudge

I love you so much

I miss you each day

And for your happiness and well-being I pray

Just look at you now!

You're growing up so fast!

Each time I see you, you're happier than the last! 

You have a permanent smile

And your eyes always gleam

With a certain emotion that always makes me beam

Forever my little sister

You'll always be mine

And we have a bond that will continue to shine

Because we are sisters

And we are beautiful 

Making a rainbow that is oh so colorful

We draw it with chalk

As we go on in life

And even after all the pain and the strife

We have each other

And that's just fine

For I am yours, and you are mine

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