Chapter 1: Switched

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Life was completely normal for Amy Rose. As normal as it can get when you have to defeat evil every day.

Fighting robots, villains, mostly destroying Eggman's plan. Yes, everything was going as usual in Hedgehog Village.

"Can't we do something else?"

Amy sighed as she looked to her Meh Burger.

"What do you mean?" Tails asked as he took a bite of his burger. "Don't you guys ever wonder where the meat we eat comes from? I mean, we are animals after all-"

"I mean we just do the same thing over and over again! We wake up, fight some villains, come to Meh Burger, repeat" Amy interrupted Tails. Then she looked to her teammates.

"Well, Ames, that's what we do. We are heroes and Tails that's actually a pretty good question, where does the meat come-"

"So we are bound to do this forever?"

Amy looked at Sonic, he was now concentrating on his burger, too focused to figure out the mysteries behind it.

Sticks took a sip of her juice as she looked at Amy and with a burp, she added, "That's what the government what's you to do."

"If you don't feel like being a hero, then why don't you take a vacation?", Knuckles said.

"Knuckles we know that you may not have the brightest mind, but I think you just made a breakthrough!"

"Um, thank you?"

Amy stood up from her seat with a victorious smile on her face.

"I'll take a vacation!"






And so she desired, and so that became. Everyone on team Sonic agreed that Amy deserved a vacation away from all the fighting. Now, Amy was headed to do one of the things she liked the most...Archeology. According to her research, there was a cave on the outskirts of the city that may have important information about the 'Ancients'. The old civilization that was well known for its technological advances. However, one day the entire civilization disappeared without any clues and this cave might just have the answers to that.

Amy was well prepared, lanterns, proper clothing, and equipment around her waist. It seemed like the lanterns weren't going to come in handy as the cave contained some purple markings that lighted the entire cave properly.

As she made her way through, she found a larger purple rock. It was the size of her hand and to her surprise, it was pretty light. She continued to appreciate the beauty of the gem and as she did, she noticed there was something engraved on it.

It was written in the Ancient language but she had a pretty good knowledge of it to know the meaning of the words.

"If in front of me war unfolds, I'll curse both until love is found."

Amy gave it a thought. Just what could this mean? She was deep in mind and she didn't notice someone approaching her.

"What in the name of Chaos are you doing here?!"

Amy was startled by the voice behind her. She dropped the purple gem, and it broke into five different pieces.

She turns around to find no other than Shadow the Hedgehog, Team Sonic's number one enemy standing right in front of her.

And he didn't look happy at all.

"YOU BROKE THE GEM, YOU IDIOT!", Shadow yelled at her and like hell was Amy gonna let him have his way.

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