Chapter 2: Duo

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"Really? That makes us two? Couldn't you have come up with a better comeback?"

"I am a super-villain Rose, I don't do puns," Shadow walked past her, as she headed towards the end of the cave. Looking up to the moon, Shadow saw Amy approaching him.

"Well, seems like I'll be staying at your house for a while."

"What?" Amy questioned him. Even now, it was weird to be talking to herself like this. Swapping bodies like this wasn't in her schedule.

"Yes, I am Amy Rose after all.  Wouldn't that just be the proper thing to do?"

Amy gave it a thought. He was right, in the eyes of everyone, Shadow was her. It would be weird if she wasn't living in her house all of a sudden.

"Fine, but I am staying with you!"

"You don't care if your blue boyfriend sees 'Shadow the Hedgehog' with you?", Shadow looked at Amy's body once more. "Not like he would care, his standards would be very low if he likes this much pink."

    This was going to be a very long night.




    Shadow regretted underestimating the pink one.

He opened his eyes as he felt the water dripping from his face to his body.

"Wake up you have to go take care of the children at the daycare!"

"I have to do what?"

"My vacations are over, meaning that I have to get back to work!" Amy looked over to Shadow who had now stood up from her bed. Friendly reminder, throw away the whole bed.

"Working as a hero doesn't pay much?"

"As a hero, you don't charge money and laying around won't pay my bills, so that's what I do. Now could you get ready?" Amy walked away as she headed to the kitchen. She needed to give herself more props, she even made lunch for Shadow.

"Well, that means that I must shower."

"Everything you need is in the bathroom, even clean clothes."

"That means that I would have to take off my clothes and see YOUR body."

"Ok," Amy said as she cut lettuce.

"It doesn't bother you?", Shadow was trying to get payback from earlier by making Amy embarrassed but so far he was failing at it miserably.

"It was obvious that this was going to happen at some point. Besides, I see you naked all the time, it's just a normal Mobian body, completely normal and nothing to be embarrassed about." Amy had finished cutting up the lettuce and had now moved into the tomatoes. Still not looking at Shadow. Always focused.


    With that Shadow headed towards the restroom. Amy heard the click of the door and as she made sure he was not in the room, she felt into her knees.

"That damn hedgehog!", Amy thought as she covered her face. An evident blush covering her now mainly one. She didn't want Shadow to get away with this, no, not this. She could be embarrassed about many things but she wasn't going to let Shadow see her like this because of him.

    Shadow could swear on his life that Amy would be embarrassed about him seem her nakedness. He hated to be wrong about things, but he had to admit that she was pretty mature when it came to this.


Shadow took a look at himself in the mirror.  He had to admit that although pink wasn't his favorite color, it did suit the pink hedgehog. It made her green eyes shine brighter and her overall face was pleasing to look at-

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