Chapter 9: Memories

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And so time passed.

It was hard to tell how many days exactly, maybe a month or two. It was sad and disappointing at the same time, but there was no much that could be done.

Just wait and see if the situation becomes any better.

At least that's what Amy hoped for.

She tried not to let anyone see how she was truthfully feeling. Not even to Sonic, not like it matter, because he already perfectly known.

And so, today we adventure ourselves to the side character of this story, Sonic the Hedgehog.

There was nothing much to do today, and so Sonic went to spend some quality time with his girlfriend.

He took the moment to appreciate Amy's house from afar.

He reluctantly walked towards the door as he knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

However, there was nothing. Since he had noticed that Amy was acting differently, he began to worry. He would usually not do this, but due to the circumstances, he decided to enter through the window.

"The things I do for love," He thought.

He looked around the living room and Amy's room, all over the house but nothing. He sat down on the sofa, disappointed that he couldn't find her. As he sat, he felt something hard under the sofa's cushion. He looked under it and found a notebook.

"Amy's diaries...don't read!"

Now, Sonic knew better than anyone that he should be respecting her privacy.

But he just wanted to confirm what he already suspected.

He just needed one sentence, one word, anything that just proved him that he was right.

He skipped through several pages until a specific entry caught his attention.

I can't believe this happened today Sonic actually asked me on a date, is it weird that I don't feel as excited as I should be? I know for a fact that little me would be rolling around the floor, giggling and smiling from happiness. But why don't I feel the same way anymore?

I am sure its because I am just nervous.

Sonic flipped the pages and landed on another journal entry.

Today I had my first kiss, I thought it would be like in the movies but it wasn't like that. There were no butterflies, no fireworks.

But once again, not everything is like in the movies, right?

Sonic couldn't read anymore, he skipped through the journal and began to read the last entry.

I've tried. I honestly have.

I want to love Sonic because I know he loves me deeply...but every time I am with him, I see him. I wonder if I would be happier if I was with him.

But he is gone now and just like we promised, we are never going to see each other again.

It's ironic, to find out that you love someone just for you to let them go.

I still can't believe I am in love with Sh-

Sonic heard something approached him and quickly put back Amy's diaries where he found it.

He turned around to see Amy holding a handful of groceries bags. She smiled, a bit concerned that he was inside her house, but since it was Sonic, she didn't mind.

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