Chapter 3: Affliction

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The next day, Shadow and Amy had decided to look into the cave to see if they could find out more about the Purple Gem.  It was strange enough that Sonic had found one of the broken pieces in the middle of Hedgehog Village when the cave was pretty far away from it.

"Do you really think we are going to find information about the Purple Gem in here?", Shadow questioned as Amy and he made its way inside the cave.

"We have nowhere else to start looking and besides, shouldn't you know more about it? You were living here with that thing for I don't know how long.", Amy looked around the cave, trying to figure out if the hieroglyphics could tell them something about the mysteries of the Gem.

"I've been living here since I have memory and that Gem had always been there. I never really cared for it so I never touched it. I don't know anything about it nor this cave's mysteries."

"Well so much for-" Amy then realized something. Shadow had been living in this cave since he was a little kid? All alone and scared. Was there no one with him? Amy realized that she knew nothing about Shadow. That may be the cave is as mysterious as him. She wanted to ask more, but she was afraid that Shadow might take it the wrong way. " were always here? Since you were a kid? Why did you never move into the village?"

"I couldn't control my powers before, I didn't want to put anyone in danger, I have lost someone because of them and-" Shadow paused noticing that he was losing his cool. He just didn't want Amy to see that side of. Not now, not ever. " and that's none of your business pink brat, you ask too much you know that? We are here to look for clues."

"I was just trying to be nice, jerk"

"I don't want you to be nice, I want you to use your brain to figure out something about this hieroglyphics, but of course expecting that you have a brain would be exceeding my expectations."


    Amy stopped yelling at Shadow as she had finally caught up to something.  From her small knowledge of hieroglyphics, she would tell that the wall behind Shadow read 'Purple Gem'. She walked past Shadow who had his arms crossed watching her proceed reading the pictures behind him.

"Purple, Broken, Gem, Disappear, Locations", Amy said out loud. Shadow approached her from behind. He looked a bit more down of the cave's wall where Amy pointed. "This must be it! When it's broken, the pieces of Purple Gem disappear and appear in different locations!" She looked at the paintings of the locations, some having a distinct feature that separated them from the rest but to her dismay, she didn't know any of the places.

"I know all of these places, they are villages just like this one. Some of them friendly, others very dangerous." Shadow said as he looked over at Amy. "We are going to need an airplane."




    "It will be faster if I just go by myself, just distract Tails and I'll take the plane."

    Shadow and Amy were hiding behind the bushes. Watching Tails work on his famous Tornado just outside his workshop.

"No, I am coming with you, I just..." Amy looked over at her hand, she was holding a card. Inside it, it contained a letter explaining the reason why she was leaving. "I feel bad for leaving them...especially now that the Village is being rebuilt."

"Yeah, you SHOULD feel bad."

"Wow Shadow, thank you for the nice words."

"My pleasure."

"Hey, Tails!"

    Shoot, now they had a new problem. Sonic had just arrived at the scene. The two tail fox stopped working on this plane to greet his best blue friend.

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