Chapter 10: That Makes Us Two

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"We don't see each other for months and this is how you greet me?"


Amy still didn't believe that Shadow was right in front of her. She didn't know what to feel, nor what to say.

"...Alright." Shadow slowly came out of the bed, it was strange. Shadow was expecting his reunion to be different. Maybe something more 'romantic'?

As Shadow was finally out of bed, Amy only proceeds to walk towards her bed and lay down. She closed her eyes to sleep.

Shadow waited for a few seconds...and nothing.




No reaction.


"YES, I AM SERIOUS SHADOW! WHAT WERE YOU EXPECTING?" Amy turns her body to finally face Shadow.

'Well, I don't know, maybe an answer to my confession?"

"Confession? What are you talking about?"

"Amy, Amy I love-"

Oh no. Didn't she hear it?

"No-No-Nothing! You are right, I hate you! Goodbye!", Shadow turned his body and walked away.

How could he be so stupid?

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

"Shadow, wait!" Amy said as she saw Shadow walk away.

"Yes?" Shadow turned to look at her, his hopes rising again.

"Make sure to close the door when you leave."




Now things were going back to normal. Shadow went back to live on his cave. Once in a while, he would play around and attack the village just to annoy 'Team Sonic.' He was happy to see her, however. Still angry at the fact that Amy and Sonic were getting along just as good as before.

Is like nothing ever happened. Just like they promised, they were never going to see each other. Well, that wasn't all true since they see each other whenever Shadow decided to 'attack' the village.

By 'attack' he meant more like 'pranks'. He would throw paint to houses, make noise in the library, buy all the flowers in a flower shop and changed them into plastic flowers.

Yes, from being a recognized villain, now he was a joke and all thanks to that pink hedgehog who changed him.

And now he didn't know what to do. Should e confront her? And then what? Be friends?... Or more than that? It was strange but it had been so long since Shadow wanted to be more 'intimate' with someone. He didn't see himself doing it. No holding hands, no hugging, no dates...He didn't know why. However, maybe with Amy all of those things would change.

"So, this is where you live? Well, Amy wasn't lying."

Shadow recognized that voice. He saw the blue one walk into his cave.

"What are you doing here?" Shadow was in the defensive, he wasn't expecting any guests. None the less, re-owned world hero, Sonic the Hedgehog.

"I am tired to have to clean rotten eggs off houses.'" Sonic said sarcastically. "If you a problem with Amy, talk to her, don't try to get her attention by doing stupid things. Believe me, I've done it."

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