Chapter 7: Closer

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"So, this is our last destination, right?"


"After this...I'll be free!", Amy said enthusiastically.

"At least you are not the one with a height problem," Shadow said looking at himself, Amy's body was significantly smaller than him.

"At least you are not the one with a fashion problem!"

"Of course you don't because everything you wear is 'Loser-pink!"

"At least I wear clothes! Not like other hedgehogs that only wear shoes, gloves and call it a day!"

"Oh, like Sonic?", He remarked. Amy gave it a thought, he wasn't wrong.


And of course, as they landed to their new destination, they did nothing to continue their lovers' quarrel.

Love is strange ain't it?

"Now that we are here...where should we go?", Amy said as she landed the airplane safely.

"You know how I told you there are some dangerous and friendly villages?", Shadow jumped off the plane and settle firmly on the ground.

"Yeah one of them almost killed us, the other tortured us emotionally and the other one was..." Amy thought of Elena for a second and didn't hesitate. "...Friendly."

"Well this is one is 'friendly'...kind of"

"Now what is it? Is it a Village of Monsters? Supervillains?...Both?"

"Let's walk some more and you will find out."




The Purple Village, like how Shadow likes to call it, was just like any other Village. Very similar to Hedgehog Village, Amy was very found of this as she has missed home deeply now. However, this Village had something very peculiar...everyone's fur was purple.

Foxes, rabbits, beavers, just everyone...had purple fur.

As they walked past the villagers, Amy followed Shadow closely as if he knew where to go. As they walked through the streets, more and more people began to follow them. Strange.

"Umm...Shadow-", Amy whispered as she began to worry.

"I know...It's alright I know where I am going.", Shadow said, not looking back.

"Is that...Shadow the Hedgehog?"

"I can't believe the stories are true!"

"The hedgehog with a fur as black as the night and eyes as red as blood."

Amy began to hear all type of things coming from the crowd. She was getting more and more anxious with each step and Shadow noticed this.

Then, Amy felt something soft grab her was Shadow.

Amy blushed and tried to hide it. She never thought that Shadow would be the type to care about such things.

It made her heart feel warm.

Shadow and Amy walked past some more buildings until they had finally reached a small hut.

The cabin's vibes was a very mysterious one. It was clear that something was going on in there....something strange.

The villagers even kept their distance. Shadow looked at Amy who just looked back at him in uneasiness. He grabbed her hand firmly and Amy felt her calmer now. The one thing she could do was to trust Shadow.

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