Chapter 6: Peace

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"Sonic? What are you doing her-"

"Did you think Tails only had one plane?"

"Did you read the note?"


"So, Shadow is Amy and Amy is Shadow."


Sonic sighed and walked towards Amy. It was strange for him to approach his enemy like this.


Shadow questioned her, and although it was Shadow's body and face the one he was looking at, he could tell that Amy was the one inside of it.

Her nervousness, the way she moved her feet when she was feeling shy and the way her eyes would look up to the ground and up to him. The way she would bite her lips.



Sonic laughed out loud. He

kept looking back and forth at the pink and black hedgehog. Sonic touched his tummy as he tried to get his air back to his lung.

"I'll punch you in the face, faker." Shadow threatened.

"Come on, with Amy's body you won't even catch me."

"HEY!", Both Amy and Shadow screamed at him.

"No offense Ames, I am 100% sure that your punches hurt more than the faker's," Sonic said as he placed a hand on Amy's shoulder.

"I can beat you any day, I don't need to be the Ultimate Life Form to mop the floor with you."

"You think I won't hit you because you are in Amy's body?"

"Well if you do that wouldn't be very gentlemen like, but you have no manners so I wouldn't be surprised."

"WELL, I am not the one going around destroying village-"


Amy stood in the middle of the two angry hedgehogs. "Shadow, you stay here and Sonic you come with me, I have to talk to you."

"Fine by me!" Shadow angrily stomps his way to his tent, leaving the couple to talk.

"If Amy wants to be with him, then fine by me!"

Shadow thought as he wrapped himself with his blanket, falling asleep.

"Stupid Amy."




"So, you followed us all the way here?" Amy asked they were both walking down the coast of the beach, watching the waves softly make contact with the sand.

"Yeah, Tails lend me his new plane to come to follow you guys. It took a while you to find you, I piloted the plane for a few days until I arrived at Dream Island. There, the Queen told me that you were heading to this Island; and now I am here." Sonic paused, he sat down on the sand, waiting for Amy to do the same.

"I am sorry," She said as she sat down. " I should have told you guys...But I was scared that you might not believe me."

"Amy, next time, just have more trust in me, promise?"

"Yes, I promise."

Amy looked at his eyes, he had that same kind look he had when they first met.

"I would kiss you, but I don't feel comfortable looking at Shadow's face," Sonic said jokingly.

"Sound fair to me hehe."

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