Chapter 4: Sleep

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Finally, they had some proper rest.  After the previous day, Shadow and Amy needed a few hours of sleep.

Especially Shadow.

Strangely, and as to her conclusion, Amy didn't feel tired on the least and this was only because she was in Shadow's body.

Being the Ultimate Life Form, Shadow's body didn't need sleep to function properly. However, just for the pleasure of it, his body would oblige and get a nap.

    For the first time in his life, as he was inside Amy's body, Shadow was utterly exhausted. He had to admit, that it was nice, to feel this normal.

Just normal.

    It was day time when they had arrived at their next destination. This time, Shadow knew where they were going and guided Amy through the whole flight time. Once they landed, and settle in their tents, Shadow had told Amy one thing only before drifting into sleep.

"Do not...I repeat...Do NOT touch anything...wait for me to wake up."Amy nodded as she was more fascinated by the place than worried by Shadow's words.

    As Shadow went to sleep, Amy waited outside. Looking around the Island she noticed blue and hot pink trees, something that she had never seen before. Plants and flowers that weren't written on the books she had read before; animals and insects that that were alienated yet cosmically beautiful.

No wonder why this place was called "Dream Island"

    Shadow said to not touch anything, but he didn't say she couldn't go exploring, right?

    If everything went alright, she didn't have to see an angry Shadow today.

Amy walked slowly as to not wake up Shadow. She made sure that she was far away from the camp before she began running.

    She ran as fast as she could getting the adrenaline through her body.  The feeling was amazing, the feeling of being able to go anywhere you wanted, whenever you wanted...that feeling of power, of being on top of the world...

She appreciated it, but it wasn't for her.

    She liked taking her time. Appreciating each fragment in life, all living things, small or big. She liked going slow and steady, enjoying each moment, savoring it slowly.

She had now realized how different she was from Sonic.

and she wonders if Shadow felt the same.

    She walked some more and as clumsy as she is, she stumbles upon a large and thick tree root. She laid on her tummy for a while thinking how lucky she was that she was in Shadow's body. She felt fine and was ready to stand up, but as soon as she held her head up she noticed a large mushroom in front of her...and the mushroom had eyes, a mouth, and small hands and feet.



    Her loud scream was heard all the way to the camp.

"I told her to not touch anything", Shadow mumbled as he woke up from his slumber. He quickly stood up and got out of his tent. He looked around the area but didn't find Amy anywhere near the camp. Shadow then, ran towards the scream.

    Amy stumble as she felt sleep take over her. She could hear a river nearby and decided to go there to clean herself up a bit before she went back to the camp.  The giant Mushroom had thrown at her face some kind of yellow powder, kinda like pollen. It covered all of her body and she was beginning to feel itchy about it...and sleepy too for some reason. 

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