Chapter 5: Name

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None one dares to say a word. The whole ride was quiet, just the waves of the ocean hitting the coast could be heard; getting stronger as the full moon showed upon them.

In silence, both hedgehogs made their tents.

"I'll be looking for the fragment by myself...I think I know where it is.", Shadow said softly.

"I'll go with you," Amy said, still a bit embarrassed from before.

"No, believe me, its dangerous. No one lives in this Island...the forest makes you see things you don't want to see."

Alright, how in the world did Shadow know so much about these places? Amy knew that he was a hedgehog full of mysteries but that fact that he was been here before intrigued her way too much.

"How do you know so much?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have been to all the Island we've been through! And people know you! Like how?"

"I kept looking for the Chaos Emeralds since I was 10, I finally found all of them some years back but..." Shadow hesitated, " that's not important."

Shadow walked away, looking into the vast forest in front of him.

Amy had never seen Shadow like this.

Anxious, determined, aghast, shaken...terrified.

And she couldn't do anything...just watch him go into the dark forest.




The last place on earth Shadow wanted to be...was here.

He had promised to never come back to this place. He despised it with all of his beings and although he knew that nothing was real...

deep down he really wishes it was.

"Are you ready to talk now Shadow? Last time you just ran away from me."

A blond, blue-eyed female hedgehog had been following him for a while now.

He tried to ignore her.

"Alright then, run like the murder you are."

"I am not a murder!" Shadow yelled back at her, he sighed knowing that after this mistake there was no way back.

"The leader of the Echidnas told you about it, Elena told you about it, I told you about it...and you still decided to look for the Chaos Emeralds." The girl twirled around him, brightly playing with her blue dress.

"It was a mistake...I am sorry.", Shadow looked at her, seriousness on his eyes.

The girl had stopped twirling and stopped right in front of Shadow. "And because of killed me!"

"No, I-"




"No!", Shadow fell into his knees as he covered his ears and closed his eyes.




Shadow opened his eyes as he recognized the voice. Amy was standing in front of him, extreme concern in her expression.

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