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Anika and Shivaay have reached downstairs along with OM members.They are going Delhi in Shivaay's private jet plane.Rudra and Prinku have brought gifts for Anika.Dadi does aarti and gives her blessings to Anika.She hugs Dadi and Prinku.Almost everyone is looking sad somewhat on Anika's departure except Pinky.She seems relaxed and tension free.Anika and Shivaay take everyone's leave.Rudra and Prinku get upset.Dadi tries to cheer them up.

The private jet of Shivaay lands on a heliped in Delhi.A car is already waiting for them with some officials of Oberoi Empire of Delhi branch.They all greet Shivaay and welcome him.He and Anika head for her home.Shivaay is driving and Anika has sat silent.

Shivaay:Are you alright?


Shivaay: What happened?I see,you are nervous right?

Anika: Should I not?You have told me I am unwell,a patient of dissociative amnesia.How you found me I know but not anything before that.I had forgotten every single thing.I am going to meet my family don't know after how many days.Now you tell me, how should I feel.

Shivaay: Sorry I didn't mean anything wrong.I was just trying to know your state of mind.

Anika:My state of mind!I am living an oblivious life, know only five days of happenings that's it.I am unable to decide what actually would be my state of mind! Very sorry to disappoint you!

Shivaay stops the car watching Anika going into different tangent.

Shivaay:If you are angry with me for anything then you can tell.I am all ear to you.But plz, don't talk like that! Anika closes her eyes for few seconds then says-

Anika: Don't know why I reacted like that on a simple yet valid question.You have done so much for me, still doing when I am totally a stranger to you.I am going to meet my family but not feeling happy on that and this is really surprising.Anika looks away.Shivaay gets stunned.He moves on to hold Anika's hand but stops.

Shivaay:If I were you,I would have been happy, would have been felt like on top of the world on meeting my family,my closed one.Not someone who is sulking like a little baby without any reason!He says with a fake complaining tone.Smile appears on Anika's lips.

Shivaay: Thank God you smiled.Keep smiling like that.It suits you like minute.Shivaay notices something and unties his seat-belt.

Anika: Shivaay,where are you going?

Shivaay:I will be back soon.Don't worry.He leaves.Few minutes late he returns with a box and a rose in his hand.Getting into the car,he gives those to Anika.

Anika: What's in this box Shivaay?

Shivaay: Open and see for yourself.She opens and sees a box full of different flavor's ice cream.With a chirping voice she says-

Anika: How did you know that I was craving for ice cream?

Shivaay: Really?I thought you were losing temper so it is a simple attempt to cool you down!

Anika:Very funny!I am not going to share my ice cream with you.She picks up one from the box and starts eating.Shivaay is enjoying her happy, innocent childish side.

Shivaay:So,you are okay with me or what?

Anika:Will tell later.Let me finish my ice cream first.

Shivaay: Will be waiting.Can I have your permission to start off the car?

Anika: Permission granted.

Shivaay: Thank you so much Your Highness!Car moves on again.

Scene shifts to Mumbai,in OM.Omkara's room,he is busy making painting.Rudra is busy with his mobile.He says all of a sudden-

Rudra:O, don't you think our home has become silent suddenly? Shivaay bhaiya and Anika di have left.With Anika di around,it was real fun.I am already missing her so much.Only she is the one who understands my intelligent talks.Not like you and bhaiya who never care.

Om:So you are missing her because your only supporter in the home has left?

Rudra:She will never come back O and this is making me sad.Idea!We can go and meet her.In this way we will have a trip to enjoy too.Give me five.He raises his hand.

Om:Are you crazy?Anika was a guest in our home.She is not our relative that you are thinking to pay a visit to her every now and then.

Rudra:How I wish this could be true O!She is nothing to us still felt like one among us,our closed one.But did you observe Shivaay bhaiya in those five days?

Om: I was thinking the same.

Rudra: Bhaiya never misses any business meeting, phone calls, office calls but in those days,he was away from everything.He postponed all his meetings and appointments.Just took care of Anika di and her necessities.Visiting doctors to foods, medicine, her sleeping, bhaiya managed every single thing.Looked like only Anika di was his priority, nothing else.

Om:I think you are right.Even me too observed that.I know Shivaay very well but got surprised watching his this side.

Rudra:Get ready O.Don't know what else bhaiya is going to make us see.

Om:Rudra,what happened to you?You are talking like Choti Ma.OMM!!! He laughs.

Rudra: Laugh as much you can.I am going........Rudra leaves.Omkara stops laughing as soon as Rudra goes out of his sight.He puts down his brush and takes up his phone....

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