Papa's Princess!

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Shivaay and Mr.Trivedi are walking through the entrance door, talking.He is quite happy having Shivaay beside him.

H: So Shivaay,this is our first meeting almost one year later.Last time we met in London at a get together party which was thrown in honour of your win-Entrepreneur Of The Year among Indian Exporters Co. right?

S: Right you are.We met for the first time at that party.You had inspired me a lot.

H: You know Shivaay,I give your example to each person who wants to shine through hard work and pure business talent,who want to make their identity of their own.I am very proud of you.Tell me,how is life and everyone in your family especially Mrs.Kalyani Oberoi?

S: Thank you so much sir but I don't know whether I am eligible for those heavy praises.And Dadi is doing fine so is everyone else.

H: What brought you here in Delhi?Have you come to attend any business meeting or just a personal visit?

S: Consider it as a personal visit!

H: Then I can have all your time after you finish your personal work......They have reached in the hall by that time.Shivaay decides to ask Mr. Trivedi everything about Anika but,later.Only he can telll him the exact truth.In the hall Gauri, Sahil are talking to Anika with few other members around.Mr.Trivedi arrives in the hall with a happy face but it turns very rigid noticing something.He stops and Shivaay looks at him-

H: What is she doing in my house? Vasundhara, Vasundhara?Who let her enter my house?I need answer....He is furious.Mrs.Trivedi comes there hurriedly and rest of the family members also gather.

V: Listen to me plz.I know you are angry but can't you let those things go from your mind?Just forget those and calm down,for my sake!We have guest in our house.Plz understand!

H: You are telling me to calm down even after knowing everything Vasundhara?You know very well what else we had to go through because of this girl-He points out at Anika! 

Shivaay gets stunned to the core.He looks at her.Tears are shimmering in her eyes.Anika is unable to decide why Mr.Trivedi who is her father that she got to know few minutes ago,is accusing her of something grave which is totally unknown to her.Going near to Anika Mr.Trivedi shouts-

 H: Why have you returned?Was it necessary?You had left us breaking all our hopes, dreams and hearts na?You had not thought about all of us while leaving then why have you returned?(He shouts more loudly)You know what,we have learnt living without you.Yes,it was tough,real tough.But you had left us with no other option!

Anika is taken aback.With a broken voice of suppressed crying she utters-

A: Dad! Mr.Trivedi closes his eyes.Afterwards,in a deep yet calm voice he says-

H: Don't call me Dad!Harshvardhan Trivedi is not your Dad!After what you did you had lost that right!

Mrs.Trivedi wants to tell something but he stops her raising his hand.Pin drop silence is prevailing in the hall.No-one has enough guts to tell anything or defend Anika.On the other side, Anika's heart is racing like a metro mail's speed.She feels an acute, extreme pain is overpowering all her senses,all her feelings and thinking.Sweat drops appear on her forehead.

Standing at a little distance Shivaay was listening to everything Mr.Trivedi was delivering,his sharp knife like words.He got totally numb hearing all those words Mr.Trivedi used for Anika,his daughter!He was thinking if he should tell anything or not then looking at Anika he noticed she was blinking repeatedly and her breathing was getting high.Guessing she could faint any moment,he moves forward but Gauri catches Anika who is beside her as Anika has fainted already.Mrs.Trivedi rushes to her.

G: Di, open your eyes.(She pats her both the cheeks)Plz someone bring water(She shouts)

Water gets sprinkled on Anika's face and she gets conscious.Shivaay gets relieved.Getting up,Anika looks around and tells-

A: Mom,why are you crying and Chutki you too?Mrs.Trivedi,Gauri,Sahil everyone is happy that Anika is recognizing them except Mr.Trivedi.

Shivaay is watching the family reunion.He tries to smile but couldn't.Anika has recovered and he is not happy with this,how paradoxical!His eyes turn moist.Soon a downpour will follow,he feels.He is trying hard to stop those tears of pain! Something is choking in his throat........Anika stands up with the help of Gauri and her mother.

V: Come dear,let's go to your room.Don't think much and forget everything else.You need rest.

A:   One minute Mom.I have not got the answer yet.Why are you all crying and what happened?

G: Di,will tell you everything later.For the time being you need rest.Let's move out from here.....Before they do that,Mr.Trivedi interferes.

H: Stop right there.No- one will go anywhere.Anika looks at him.

A: Dad?

H: I have already told you very clearly not to call me Dad!I hate that word from your mouth,do you understand?You have no place in my house.Mrs.Trivedi tries to tell something but Anika stops her.Coming near to Mr.Trivedi,she says-

A: If that is your wish,I will fulfill it no matter what.I know you don't want to see my face or talk to me still,want to tell few things-Only your blood runs through my veins.If you are stubborn then so am I.Like you respect your principles,values,promises,I too respect those of mine.If you are not wrong in following your heart which you taught me,then I am not wrong too.I am giving you my words- I will never come back to this house or show my face to you!I am already dead to you.Consider it permanent from now on!One last thing- Do take care of yourself.Don't forget to take medicine on time or getting late in eating as I will..................... Anika runs towards the exit door and vanishes.

Tears are gushing down from Mr.Trivedi's eyes.Everyone runs behind Anika except Shivaay.He comes near Mr.Trivedi.Before Shivaay can manage to tell anything,Mr.Trivedi says-

H: (Joining his both hands)Sorry to bother you in all these dear.You are my guest but I couldn't maintain the dignity of the hospitality of my house.Forgive me plz.........He leaves wiping out his tears.Shivaay stands clueless in the hall,alone.Mrs.Trivedi comes to him-

V: Shivaay dear plz stop my Anika.I know she is angry and hurt but everything will fall into place in due time.Have lost her once.Can't afford it again....She cries.

S: Don't worry Mrs.Trivedi.I am promising you,no harm will befall on Anika as long as I am alive........He leaves and Mrs.Trivedi looks on......

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