Chapter 5

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Because of Anika's stubbornness,Shivaay gives in and selects nuptial chain/mangalsutra for her.One female representative praises the choice of Shivaay very much.They all leave completing the buying and payment procedure.

Anika is looking happy finally.She takes the mangalsutra and puts it in the house temple.Few minutes later she brings Shivaay in front of the temple.He asks-

S:  Why have you brought me here Anika?I did what you asked.Now what?

A:  Now you have to make me wear this mangalsutra.After that you can take my leave.

Shivaay's heart starts skipping.He feels his mouth is getting dry all of a sudden.He looks at Anika helplessly.But she is so engrossed in her own happiness that she fails to notice Shivaay's sudden change of expression and his terrified eyes.Shivaay says in his mind-

"How could I not expect it?I should have understood everything before.I should have convinced Anika no matter what.Why did I give up so easily?I can't do this being in my sense.But what will I answer Anika?She is so happy.Again,again I have brought trouble for Anika and me.How could I?Mangalsutra is not a child's toy to play with but I turned it into a toy certainly.I have never felt so helpless in my life,ever!Damage is done.Shivaay Singh Oberoi,get ready to bear the consequences of your deeds!"

There Anika takes the mangalsutra in her hand from the box.It has a beautiful diamond made little butterfly locket.Anika looks happily at it.She forwards her hand in front of Shivaay which has the mangalsutra in it.She says-

A:  Make me wear it Shivaay!

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A:  Make me wear it Shivaay!

Shivaay looks extremely pale.Watching his expressions Anika's smile vanishes in thin air.Shivaay is not looking at her!This time Anika does not mistake reading Shivaay's expression.Clenching the fist she straights her hand.Putting back the mangalsutra in the box,she says further-

A:  I have understood everything.You don't want to make me wear this mangalsutra.You know Shivaay,I was wishing you would make me wear this mangalsutra not because I am a typical wife who puts her mangalsutra above everything.Because I was feeling some disturbance going on in my heart regarding you.

Don't know why but my heart is saying something is wrong but I am unable to get what it is.I just wanted to finish this conflict of my heart,nothing else.I was going to take it off once you made me wear it,after feeling relaxed and assured that everything is fine,indeed.I just wanted to calm my heart.

My mentality is not orthodox.I know I am today's girl and I should not overreact on these matters but I could not help it Shivaay.I have forgotten almost everything.There was an unknown fear growing up in my heart.I needed to overcome it and this is the only way I could manage to find to console myself.My own feelings for you were seeming so strange to me.I did not want to disturb you so thought this mangalsutra would end my all problem once and for all.

Anyway,I don't want to force you to do anything for me.If you do so,I won't like it at all.One can force himself but not his heart.I have read your eyes.Your entire being is against me wearing this mangalsutra.It's okay,I will manage.Till now you have kept saying me not to take any stress.Today I am saying you,plz,don't stress yourself up for me.I will be doing fine.Just give me some time.....

Saying all these in a choking voice,Anika runs away crying.Shivaay does not notice where Anika has gone.Whole time he was standing looking down and listening to Anika's words.He was spellbound and could not muster up enough courage to look at Anika or to tell anything.Her every word hit Shivaay like anything.He was mentally cursing himself for creating such emotional mess.

There Anika was going towards the room but her saree's pallu got stuck at one corner of sofa and it compels her to stop.To remove it out she pulled her pallu with all the force.In return she stumbled and got hit by the pointed corner of a wooden table,near sofa,in her head.Anika fainted then and there.

When Shivaay was standing in front of temple,all alone and thinking what just happened,the above mentioned incident took place.Shivaay manages to bring himself together somehow.Realizing Anika has left from there,getting tensed what Anika will do,he rushes towards the room.Anika is lying senseless behind sofa but Shivaay does not notice that and enters into the room running.He does not find her there.He starts panicking recalling doctor's words.Coming in the hall he shouts-

Anika,where are you?

He checks kitchen and other room.Main door is locked from inside so Anika has not gone out,Shivaay thinks.He goes upstairs in search of Anika but she is not there too.While coming down the staircase he notices Anika is lying by the sofa.Running as fast as possible he reaches to her.Taking Anika in his lap Shivaay says-

S:  Anika....Anika what happened to you?Everything is my fault.You are suffering because of me.I should be punished.I....I will accept anything as punishment but open your eyes Anika.

He pats Anika's cheeks.She is respond less.Shivaay lifts her in his arms and takes her in their room.Placing her carefully on the bed Shivaay brings water and starts sprinkling in Anika's face.He continues-

Anika plz,open your eyes.I am sorry Anika.

She opens her eyes slowly getting the touch of water.Opening eyes,first thing she watches that Shivaay is crying.She sits up on the bed with the help of Shivaay.She asks-

A:  Why are you crying?

Without answering,Shivaay takes Anika in his arms straight away.While hugging he recalls the day when Anika met with the accident and lying on the road and his shouting.Anika says hugging Shivaay back-

A:  What happened,why are you crying?See,I am all right.
Shivaay retreats from the hug.Taking Anika's both the hands in his hands he says-

S:  I am sorry Anika,I am so sorry.I promised to take care of you but I failed.Plz forgive me.I will never repeat this mistake.Already you are going through so much here I am adding to your misery.I should have understood your feelings.If something happens to you today then I could not be able to forgive myself.I am your culprit Anika.I deserve punishment..........Here Anika puts her finger on Shivaay's lips.

A:  Shhhhh.....Why are you saying sorry over and over again?You said and did nothing wrong.Perhaps it was me who got emotional.I am perfectly all right.And let me tell you,if you don't want then I won't wear nuptial chain/mangalsutra.

I don't want to do anything which will disturb you(Anika hugs Shivaay back)

I don't want anything else.I just want you beside me,every second,every minute.You are my everything.
Anika tightens her hug around Shivaay.He reciprocates caressing her hair........

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