Sajan Ji Ghar Aaye!

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Reaching near the car,Shivaay puts Anika down who was in his arms.He opens the door of the car for Anika to get inside.Instead of doing that,she asks-

A:   What happened Shivaay?You are....looking somewhat different........Shivaay looks at her.Then,without saying anything he takes her hands in his hand and kisses those.The next moment he captures Anika in a strong hug.
Closing eyes,Shivaay says in his mind-

"You don't know how badly I got deceived Anika.For that,I was about to lose you.I was all ready to let you go from my life.....I was going to punish my love for someone else's mistake.How could I?Thank God that I found you and you are safe and sound.Otherwise......"

Anika feels Shivaay's muscles are getting tensed.Retreating from the hug she asks cupping his face-

A:   Is something wrong Shivaay?Tell me na what happened?
S:   I will tell you everything on the way.Come,get inside the car.Everyone is worrying............Shivaay calls on Mr.Trivedi's phone and informs him that he has found Anika and they are coming.

Rose Garden

Everyone has gathered in a separate room except guests.Anika is standing behind Shivaay,feeling embarrassed.OmRu,RiYa are chuckling watching that!Mr.Trivedi speaks up finally-

H:   What was that Anika?How could you think of doing such a thing?You....
S:   Uncle....

H:   Plz Shivaay,let me talk to her.She needs to answer and no-one will interfere.Bring her forward........Shivaay steps aside and Anika gets exposed.Mr.Trivedi starts again-

What do you think,that marriage is a joke?Let me tell you,it does not connect only two people.It is a matter of two families and their countless emotions too.How could you disrespect our feelings like that?This is totally unacceptable.
If there was any problem you could have discussed it with anyone of us,your own family.We are not those parents who force their decisions on their children(He takes a secret glance at Surya Shekhawat and Pinky at the same time)

It should be completely your decision.After all it's you who will run your own household after marriage,not us.Marriage is a huge responsibility and it's not everyone's cup of tea.....Would you plz say something now?

A:   So...Sorry Dad.
H:   This is your last and final chance.Whatever you want to say,say after giving it due consideration.......Before she can say anything,Shivaay puts in-

S:   What I am going to say,I think it will suffice for both Anika,me and everyone(He takes her hands in his hand)
Anika and I love each other and we want to marry.There was...some misunderstanding that's why we were not ready for it.Now,it's solved.......I am really sorry Tia but I can't go with this marriage.I am really very sorry for dragging you and your family into this fiasco..........She says smiling-

T:   You have taken absolutely the right decision.And don't say sorry yaar.You have committed no mistake.You and Anika are made for each other.Finally you got the chance to honour your love.I am really very proud of you.........Mrs.Kapoor,Tia's mother was watching everything with unbelievable eyes.She says-

What are you saying Tia?Have you gone mad?Shivaay just called off the wedding and you are okay with it?What is this Pinky?We have waited for this alliance to form for a long time.Everyone in the society is going to laugh at our back.
How will I face people?Are you understanding Tia that you have become a rejected and deserted bride?

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