Coming back

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Chapter 26

(Kristen's POV)

It's now November 10, 2023 and Gavin's supposed to be home any day now.

After I had that dream about coming home, I've been waiting for him to one day surprise me. Whenever we went to the park I kept an eye out.

Scott Jarvie's coming over today for the calendar pictures. They are letting me be apart of the pictures with Noah since I've been with them for two years.

My mom and dad are still not speaking. I haven't seen them since the week of the wedding.

I sit up in the bed and look around the room. Noah looks over at me and smiles. He gets off of his bed and climbs onto mine.

"Hi buddy." He sits in my lap and leans into me. I kiss his head and smile at him.

"Your daddy's coming home soon." He looks up at me and smiles.

"He is?" I nod and mess with his hair.

"You remind me of your daddy when he was younger." I grab a picture off of the nightstand and show it to Noah.

"That's when he was your age." Noah points to the person above him.

"That's grandpa Shay." He laughs and points to the person next to him.

"Grandma Colette?" I nod and kiss his head.

"Good job." I set the picture back on the table and there's a knock at the door.

"Come in." Colette comes in and smiles.

"Scott's going to be here soon. Wear a pair of jeans and a nice top with your brown Uggs since it's cold."

"Ok, should I keep my hair down?"

"Whatever you wanna do I'm keeping mine down. Spike Noah's hair since he looks so cute when it's like that."

"Ok, for him I'll do a colorful plaid shirt and dark jeans with his Sperrys." She nods and closes my door.

"Ready to get ready Noah?" He nods and jumps on the bed. I get pull ups for Noah and get his outfit together. I lift him up so he can have a look.

"Look good?" He nods and sticks his thumb up. I change him and spike his hair.

He smiles into the mirror and reaches for his reflection.

"Noah don't touch the mirror." He puts his hands down and turns around to look at me.

I put him down and he runs out of the room. I close the door and find an outfit to wear. I curl my hair and put on makeup. I slide on my boots and put my phone and camera in my back pocket.

I go downstairs and find Noah.

"Ready to go everyone?!" Shay yells and they run down the steps. I pick up Noah and kiss his head.

"Ready?" He nods and wraps his arms around my neck. I smile and walk out of the house.

Scott meets us at the waterfall to start taking pictures. We all find a rock to stand on and pose for the picture. Before he takes it I end up laughing and he uses that picture.

We take a few more pictures at the waterfall and we head to the swings. Shay steals Noah from me and puts him on his shoulders.

"Wait, that's the perfect picture! Kristen get on Shays back!" Scott says and I look at Shay. He nods so I grab onto his shoulders and jump up. I wrap my arm around his neck and smile.

Shay starts laughing so we have to stop with the picture.

"Shay get yourself together!" I yell laughing.

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