Apologizing and car shopping

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Chapter 2
(Kristen's POV)
I ended up falling to sleep pretty early.
I guess they kept Noah in his rocker or something because he isn't in my room.
I sit up and go to the kitchen.
I see Noah in his rocker and I pick him up,
"Hi buba." I smile and kiss his head.
I walk past Danny and he grabs my arm,
"Put Noah in his crib and come to the living room."
"I'm good." I try walking away but he stops me,
"Now." He says, sternly.
I put Noah in his crib and walk back out to the living room.
I pick up my phone, three missed FaceTimes from Gavin.
I roll my eyes and sit on the couch.
Danny sits next to Lindsey and grabs her hand.
"Do you want to tell us what's up?" I look at both of them and shake my head.
"Because nothing's wrong." Danny sighs and Lindsey looks at him.
"Somethings wrong, we can tell."
"I'm just annoyed. I thought when I would move out here I would have no yelling or fighting but I still have that. I thought I would be a worry free college student and I'm not."
"Everything will get better, ok?" I nod and feel tears forming at my eyes.
I put my head in my hands and start crying.
Lindsey comes over to sit next to me.
She hugs me and I hug her back,
"I'm sorry I said I hated you." I cry into her chest and she sways back and forth,
"It's ok, no worries." She kisses my head and let's go of me. I let go of her and smile at her.
Danny sits on the other side of me and pulls me into him,
"Remember seven years ago when we first met? On the tour bus in Tallahassee. We talked for about thirty minutes after you and Alli went to get Starbucks. Just remember if something didn't happen seven years ago you wouldn't know half the people you know now."
"I would've never met Gavin... I wouldn't have Noah or you or Charles or anyone. I would've been depressed and lonely. I would've tried to kill myself like I did when I was ten..."
"You tried to kill yourself...?" Lindsey asks.
I nod,
"I was depressed and unhappy with how I looked, that was when I stopped visiting my dad and my mom met her horrible boyfriend."
"We love you." Lindsey says and hugs me again.
I hug her back and stand up,
"I guess I should FaceTime Gavin." They both nod and I go to my room.
I sit at the bay window and hold Noah.
I put my laptop on my knees and FaceTime Gavin,
"Hey why didn't you FaceTime me last night?"
"One I was mad at you and two I cried myself to sleep."
"Why? Is everything ok?"
"Everything is fine now. I just got mad at Danny and Lindsey."
"I'm mad I can't see you everyday. My parents have officially left for Idaho with my siblings."
"So you are at the apartment alone?" He nods,
"If you were here we could do it right now." He winks,
"Eww you're disgusting, sicko." He laughs,
"I was kidding, we already have one, and that's enough for right now."
"How many are we going to have, if we get married. Will we be too scared like my dad is or will we have five more like your parents?"
"Kristen! Don't say that about your dad! And I don't know how many we will have, how about ten?"
"You're kidding right?"
"Yes, I'm kidding."
"Good, you don't have to go through the hard part like I do, so I don't want to have ten."
"Shut up smart ass." He smiles,
"Love you."
"Love you too." I smile and kiss Noah's head.
"How's our boy?"
"As good as a two month old could get."
Gavin smiles,
"I wish I could just snuggle with him right now."
"What about me?" I ask, pretending to be sad,
"Eh, I want Noah." I gasp,
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding... Maybe..."
"Gavin!" He laughs and so do I,
"I'm surprised Noah didn't come out cussing." I laugh and kiss his head,
"If he could talk he probably would've."
Gavin laughs and seats his chin in his hands,
"What's on today's agenda?" I shrug,
"Probably FaceTime my mom and later FaceTime Avery and just anyone I can FaceTime I guess." Gavin nods,
"I'm having lunch with my boys." I laugh,
"How come I never met these boys?"
"Because they lived in Idaho, well except for Jimmy, Jimmy's from Utah."
I snap my fingers,
"Oh Jimmy, always an outcast." Gavin laughs.
"Yep we always joke with him about that."
I laugh and sigh,
"What are 'your boys' names?"
"There is Jimmy, Blake, Taylor, Reece, and Casey."
"God how many cadets do you know?!"
"Well Casey Lavere, my cousin Casey, (A/N: is it his cousin or shays cousin? I forget...) and my friends Casey, so three!"
"How do you guys know Jimmy since he's from Utah?"
"He happened to bunk with Reece at some summer camp." I nod,
"Are they jealous you have an amazing son and girlfriend?"
"Sure..." He laughs.
"Do they even know about me?"
"Sure..." He laughs again and so do I.
"Nice going Butler." He smiles and someone texts me,
"Hold on Gavin."
I look down at my phone to read the text.
'Hey wanna come hang out at my apartment with me today, you can bring Noah. Phil isn't here so I thought we could hang out.'
"Gavin wait here." I get up and he yells,
"I can't really go anywhere!"
"Smart ass!" I say putting Noah in his crib and leaving my room.
"Lindsey! Danny! Melissa wants to know if I can hang out with her today."
"Sure, go ahead." I smile and hug them,
I go back to my room and grab my laptop.
I smile at Gavin and set my laptop on my bed,
'I can go.'
'Awesome, I will be there in ten.'
I smile and grab clothes to change into.
I forget Gavin is still face timing me so I take off my shirt.
He whistles and I glare at him. He blushes and I move out on the view from the camera.
"Come on babe! I don't get to see you till a break or something."
I roll my eyes and finish changing. I put on light makeup and slip my Chacos on,
"I have to go, hanging with my aunt today."
"When did this happen?"
"Five minutes ago." He laughs and I blow a kiss,
"See you later."
He disconnects the call and I grab my phone.
I pick up Noah and get the car seat out of Lindsey's car.
I put him in the car seat and pack a baby bag.
There's a knock at the door and Danny opens it,
"Good to see you."
Melissa smiles,
"Good to see you to." They hug and she smiles at me,
"Ready?" I look around then nod.
"Yep!" I pick up the car seat and walk to her car with her.
I put Noah in the back seat and sit in the front.
"So what should we do?"
"I was thinking we could go look at cars."
"Oh, I don't need to look. I know what I'm getting."
"And what is that?"
"A 2014 blue hummer." She smiles,
"Like the one you had when you crashed?"
"No, that was a 2008." She laughs and rolls her eyes.
"So let's go to my apartment first, ok?" I nod and lean back in my seat.
"Did you talk to Charlie?"
"Yea, I also talking to the twins and told them I saw you." She nods and smiles,
"Have you spoken to Alli?" I shake my head,
"Do you want me to FaceTime her at your apartment?"
"If you want to..." I shrug and we pull into a parking spot.
I get Noah out of the back and we go to her apartment.
"Are you and Alli on, talking levels...?"
"Yea, why wouldn't we be?"
"Because of the separation, my dad and Justin barely talk."
"I guess we are good, is she mad at Charlie?"
"I don't really know, I know nine months ago they were mad at each other."
"Why was that?"
"Chaz was starting chemo so when Alli came to get him, Charles said no because he didn't trust her since she always went out and got drunk. That led to a huge fight that lasted weeks, then when I told them about me being pregnant, they kind of forgot about being mad at each other."
"So I should be good, right?" She opens her apartment door and we go in.
"I guess your good."
"Ok, FaceTime her." I set down the car seat and go on my phone.
I FaceTime Alli and wait for her to pick up.
"Hey Kristen, how are you?"
"I'm good, I have someone who wants to say hi."
I flip the camera to reveal Melissa.
"Oh Melissa, so nice to see you..." I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh.
I flip the camera back and Melissa sits next to me.
"How have you been Alli?"
"I've been good, I'm on vacation right now so I really need to go."
"Mom, do you not care anymore that I moved to Florida?"
"No I do, it's just that Jason and I get an hour of free time since Jackson is at a daycare."
"No you don't care because if you did you would take the time to talk to your daughter!"
"Kristen, I will call you later ok?"
"No, don't bother calling your daughter later! I'd rather let you spend time with your boyfriend!"
I disconnect the call and Melissa hugs me.
"That could've gone better." She nods and kisses my head.
"Don't worry about her, just relax." I nod and we let go,
"Wanna FaceTime my dad?" Melissa smiles and nods.
I FaceTime my dad and Allie happens to pick up.
"Oh hi."
"Hi Kristen."
"Where's dad?"
"He's upstairs getting the twins changed."
Melissa taps my shoulder and whispers,
"Is that his girlfriend...?"
"No actually, fiancé."
Melissa nods and I smile at Allie,
"Can I talk to him and the twins once he gets downstairs?"
"Sure thing." Allie smiles and leaves the laptop.
She returns with Charles and the twins.
"Charlie!" Melissa says and smiles.
Charles smiles and looks down at the twins,
"Who is that Chaz?"
"Aunt Mel!" They both cheer.
Melissa smiles,
"We just talked to your ex-wife..."
Allie peaks back into the shot and I laugh,
"Kristen are you ok? Did she say anything to hurt you?" Allie is very over protective of me when it comes to Alli.
"Nothing other than she'd rather hang out with her boyfriend than talk to me."
"Ouch." Charles says and I laugh.
"They are probably going to make babies." Melissa says and I shake my head at her.
Allie sighs and leaves the room.
Charles glares at Melissa,
"Good job." Melissa sighs,
"Sorry..." Charles stands up and goes after Allie I guess.
We sit there and talk with the twins.
(Charles' POV)
I glare at Melissa,
"Good job."
Sorry..." Melissa sighs and I stand up, leaving the twins so they can talk to them.
"Allie, are you ok?" I open the bathroom door and she is fixing her makeup.
"Are you ok?" She just shrugs and looks over at me,
"I want to have kids, I really do but with your health and everything I don't think that's possible..."
"I've done it four times before, I can do it a fifth." Allie smiles at me and her lips crash into mine.
"I love you."
"I love you too." She rests her forehead on mine and we kiss again.
We walk out of the bathroom hand in hand.
I sit down at the kitchen table after picking up both of the twins.
Allie places her hands on my shoulder and I continue to talk to Kristen.
"Allie, I'm really sorry . I didn't know it was going to hurt you." Melissa apologizes.
"It's fine, don't worry about it." Melissa smiles and so does Allie.
"We better get going, I'm helping Kristen look for a car."
"Ok have fun." I smile and disconnect the call.
The twins run outside to play.
I stand up and kiss Allie. She hugs me and lays her head on my shoulder.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you too." She says into my neck.
I kiss her head and we slowly make our way upstairs.
(Kristen's POV)
I finally get a new car.
I grab Noah and his car seat and walk to her car.
I put him in the back and I sit in the front.
We drive to a few car dealers till I find the car I want.
It's exactly what I was looking for, a blue 2014 hummer.
We do our text drive and I'm super nervous.
Melissa smiles at me and I start driving.
It goes really good and we go inside so I can get it.
We sign papers and I finally get the keys for my car.
"Do you want to drive it to my apartment?" I nod,
"But alone, if I wreck I don't want Noah in the car with me."
"You will be fine, but ok." She takes Noah's car seat and puts it in her car.
I get in my new car and start it up.
I follow her back to the apartment.
I park next to her and we both get out of our cars,
"I told you that you will be fine." She hugs me and I get Noah out of her car.
We walk up the stairs and go in her apartment.
"You like the car so far?" I nod and sit on the couch,
"I'm going to FaceTime Charles." She nods and sits next to me.
I call him but he doesn't pick up,
"Weird, he normally picks up." I sigh and try again and again until he picks up.
"Sorry sweetie, I'm editing a vlog for Shay and I had my headphones in. How was today?"
"Good, I got the car I wanted."
"Did you say thank you to Melissa?" I look at Melissa and hug her,
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." Charles laughs and kisses the twins heads.
"Kristen, they miss you."
"I know they do, I will see them when I have a break at school." Charles smiles,
"I should go, Allie and I have reservations for dinner."
"What are you doing with the twins?"
"Dropping them off at maker studios." I nod and laugh,
"Talk to you later." Charles waves and I disconnect the call.
"I should be getting back to Danny and Lindsey's... Bye."
I've had writers block,
Should I just have school start?
Please comment ideas
After next week my writing schedule will change.
School starts back up which means I have a certain time I need to be asleep.
I will try to update if I can.
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