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Chapter 38

(Kristen's POV)

- continuing from previous chapter -

I watch Gavin get Noah in his car then he gets in. He backs out of the driveway and I walk back inside.

"Kristen, how did it go?" I walk past everyone and go upstairs. I go into my room and slam the door. I lay on my bed and put my head in my hands. My door opens and closes again.

"Kristen's what's wrong?" Alli asks and sits on my bed. I sit up and look at her.

"Gavin and I fought about Noah being hurt... We're not together anymore..."

"Oh Kristen, don't say that." She hugs me and I cry on her shoulder.

"I told him not to talk to me again." She rubs my back as I continue to cry. I let go of her and stand up.

"This is too much stress, the baby can't handle this and neither can I, mom I'm scared!" She stands up and puts an arm around me.

"Call him, apologize to him." I look over at her and sigh,

"Ok..." I grab my phone and dial his number. I walk down the stairs and wait for him to answer.

"Gavin please pick up..." I say to myself as I walk outside.

"Hello? Kristen?"

"Gavin, you answered. I'm sorry about what I said to you."

"It's ok, don't worry about it. I'm sorry too."

"I want you to come to my moms house for dinner, my treat."

"Really? Will it be just us?"

"No, my mom, Jason and the twins."

"Sounds good, I'll see you soon."

"Ok, bye. I love you."

"I love you too, bye."

He hangs up and I put my phone away. I walk around the pool deck and then go back inside.

"Gavin's going to come over for dinner." Alli nods and I get another call.

"Colette's calling me..." I answer my phone and walk outside.


"Yea I'm here, what's wrong?"

"Um, I heard what happened to you and Gavin, are you ok?"

"Yea I'm ok, he's coming over for dinner tonight."

"He just called me, are you two splitting up?"

"I'm not really sure, we've been fighting a lot and there's a lot of pressure on us about the baby."

"Ok well if you ever need anything, call me."

"I will, bye."

"Bye Kristen, I love you and tell Alli I said hi."

"I will, love you too, bye."

I disconnect the call and go back inside.

"Colette says hi!" Alli smiles and starts to cook dinner. I go upstairs to see Anna.

I walk into her room and she smiles at me.

"Hi Anna." She waves and sits on her bed.

"Gavin's going to come over for dinner." She nods and Alli comes in the room.

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