Chap. 41

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Chapter 41

(Kristen's POV)

-next day from previous chapter-

"Kristen, wake up." Charles says and I whine.

"Allie and you are going Christmas shopping today." I scoot away from him and cover my face.

"Come on Kristen. Does it have to come to this." He starts tickling me and I begin to laugh.

"Dad stop!" I curl up into a ball and continue laughing.

"Get up." He lightly smacks my butt and leaves the room. I roll over and get out of bed. I find an outfit to wear and change. I curl my hair and put a beanie on. I put on mascara and find my brown Uggs.



"Are you ready?"

"Yea, I'm coming!" I open up my door and run downstairs.

"Here's a breakfast bar." I take the bar from Allie and start eating it.

"Char! We are leaving!" Charles comes out of his office and hugs Allie.

"See you later." He gives her a kiss and he hugs me.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." He kisses my head and I smile at him.

"It's ok, I'm sorry too." I grab my purse and we walk to Allies car. I get in the passenger seat and Allie gets in the driver seat.

"Your hairs growing out in the back." She says and starts the car.

"Yea I noticed that. I want to get it cut though."

"Like short?"

"A little below my shoulders since that is where the hair has grown so far." She nods and continues to drive.

"I was thinking we could go to the mall to get presents for everyone."

"That sounds good." I smile at her and go on my phone until we get there.

"Thought of anything to get your parents?"

"A stress ball." I say sarcastically. She laughs and smacks my arm.

"That's mean."

"But they need it." She laughs and pulls into a parking spot.

"I kind of want to get my dad a camera."

"Like a vlogging camera?" I nod and we start walking into the mall.

"He would like that." I nod and start walking towards the Apple Store.

"What will you get Gavin?"

"A new phone, and his own camera."

"You're getting everyone expensive things." I nod and laugh. I look at the gold 6 plus and a few others.

"What are you getting my dad?" Allie shrugs and looks at phones.

"Probably a new MacBook. What will you get Avery?"

"For a joke I'm getting her pregnancy tests and for real I don't know."

"Pregnancy tests?"

"She wants to have a kid so when she's ready she has tests." Allie laughs and we go to find a worker.

"I wanted to get a black iPhone 6 plus, do you have any?" I ask and a worker nods. We go to the register and he rings it up.

"Anything else."

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