Chap. 60

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Chapter 60

(Kristen's POV)

"Get up Kristen, we have to leave soon." Gavin says and kisses me. I smile and kiss him back.

Today we are going to meet my dad for lunch. I'm not very excited about this but Gavin kept asking me about it.

"Your mom already picked up Noah." Gavin says as he breaks the kiss.

"Really? Why did she come so early?" I wrap my arms around Gavin's neck.

"She was taking the kids to the park so she thought she would come pick Noah up." I nod and kiss Gavin again.

"So we have alone time?" I smile and he pulls away.

"Not until you get ready for today." He gets out of the bed and leaves the room.

"Gavin! Really?!" I whine and get up. I find an outfit to wear and change into it. I brush my hair and put on makeup.

"Gavin, can you cut up some strawberries?"

"Sure, what else do you want?" Gavin asks as he peaks into the bedroom.

"Well do we have watermelon?" Gavin nods and I smile.

"Can you cut up some of that?" He nods and leaves the room. I follow him out and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm done changing, now we can have alone time."

"After you eat, I don't want you to get sick." I sigh and take a strawberry from him.

"There." I smile and kiss him.

"Why are you so cute?" He asks and kisses me back.

"Because I just am." I smile and go sit down at the table. I eat more strawberries and watermelon and Gavin also eats some.

"When do we have to leave?" I ask after we finish eating.

"Ten minutes." Gavin says and kisses me. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I can't wait till we have this baby. When she can walk around with Noah it will be amazing."

"It will won't it?" I nod and kiss Gavin.

"I love you." I say and smile.

"I love you too. Are you ready to go?" I shrug and let go of Gavin.

"Do we have to go see my dad?" Gavin nods and laughs.

"Yes Kristen." I sigh and get my shoes on. Gavin gets his on and I grab my purse and camera.

"Hey guys! We are actually about to head out for lunch and see my dad. My real dad not Charles." I say and look over at Gavin.

"To be honest, I don't want to see him but Gavin is making me." I glare at Gavin then smile at him.

"Noah is with my mom till after we go have lunch. Then we will go pick him up and either stay at my parents or go to the park, we don't have anything planned for today so we are just doing whatever." I smile at the camera then turn it off.

"You ready to go Gavin?"

"I'm ready, are you?" I shrug and open the door.

"I guess." I sigh and we walk down to the car.

"Do you want me to drive?" Gavin asks.

"I can drive there, it's only five minutes away isn't it?" He nods and gets in the passenger side.

"It's so weird driving, especially driving your truck." I laugh and start the car.

"Do you want to vlog?" I ask Gavin.

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