Drastic Plans

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Hey all! Again, this is another chapter dedication to an amazing person who decided to reach out to me about my latest chapter and give me some very kind words of support. I said at the end of my previous chapter that I'm kind of losing the motivation to write a bit but it's honestly comments like this that keep me going.... and my general joy of writing as well☺
This chapter is dedicated to the lovely... LionessaWriting !!! Your words meant so much to me.
Enjoy this chapter guys!


"I can't believe I'm doing this." I mutter to myself, shaking my head in disbelief.

I'll probably get myself killed.

Pausing for a second, I consider my odds. I could sneak all the way up the drainpipe, shimmy into the bathroom and carefully tip toe into my room.

Or I could continue this highly dangerous sneak out that could result in me only breaking a couple bones but also getting banned from the outside world for life.

I frown in consideration then shrug.

Oh who cares? At this point, there's no going back.

Slowly, I begin to lower myself onto the roof of my house. The wind violently blows in my face as I begin to eye the view from the top of my house.

The bright lights of Sheffield are truly astounding at night. And array of colours.

In one little town.

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Anxious, I check my watch for the time.


One minute until I leave everything behind and travel with The Doctor.

"So not a big decision at all then."

I stand for one more long minute, allowing the sweet air to take my troubles away.

Closing my eyes, I feel like I could easily fall of this roof and never die.

Because I'm certain The Doctor will catch me.

It feels like almost a lifetime has passed before I finally hear the glorious sound of the Tardis materlialising.


My eyes pop open at the sound of The Doctor's voice and I begin to smile. Turning around, I see The Doctor standing on a floating Tardis, door open and hand out.

"You coming?"


Excited, I grab her hand, allowing her to pull me up into the doorway of the Tardis.

Suddenly, it jolts, causing The Doctor to slam into the floor, resulting in me landing in The Doctor.


I look at The Doctor, the wind knocked out of her with a look of pain on her face.

"You alright?" The Doctor then opens her eyes to me hovering on top of her.

As we make eye contact, my heart begins to race and my mouth becomes dry.

Licking my lips, I notice that The Doctor keeps on staring at them.

Just like you're staring at hers.


"Yaz, kiss me"

My breathe hitches and my eyes widen.

"Um, right now?"

It's strange of The Doctor to ask now, considering she never has.

She's never been the one to take charge.

It's always been me.

The Doctor nods her head, a stern expression plastered onto her face.

Slowly, I place one hand on The Doctor's face and then another just on her shoulder and lean in.

Her mouth tastes like strawberry and lemon, a hint of thick honey and what could maybe be lavander.

The Doctor smiles as I kiss her, making me laugh in the process.

Suddenly, I find myself unable to stop laughing and soon it seems neither can The Doctor as she joins in.

We laugh and then stop, only to have one of us make eye contact with the other and to then have it set us both off again.

Gosh, I love her.


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