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Once home, Carla immediately went to go collapse onto her bed. Her first love, completely destroyed in an instant by the entrance of a new guy. She laid on her bed, dismayed at the fact that it was Haley's brother whom Roxie was dating.

"This can't be real... it has to be a lie!" Carla cried into her pillow, slamming her fists and feet against the bed rapidly. "He's such a tool! He doesn't deserve Roxie! She's so much more than him!..." She stopped for a moment and sighed, "I'm not good enough for her either though, who am I kidding?" She wept quietly for a bit longer before sitting up finally, taking one last look at all the letters Roxie had sent her.

"Did she send him letters too? No, wait, that wouldn't make sense... he goes to college with her... well, she still could write them for him... I thought she only did that for me..."

Carla got up and took all the letters and notes into her hands. "I can't stand looking at them!" She shouted, throwing them into her trash can, "Liar! I can't believe you did this to me... All this time, I though I was special to you!... I'm just some kid to you though... nothing more..." She whispered. A knock came at her bedroom door as Carla quickly hopped back onto her bed, wiping her tears away. Her mom popped her head in slowly, smiling weakly.

"Are you doing alright in here, sweetie?" She asked. Carla faked a smile and nodded.

"I was just... oh! Josie asked me to brush up on my acting skills, you know? She's into acting and she wants me to help her with her next role, you know? I'm playing a distraught daughter to help her! I gotta get it down properly, you know?" Carla asked with a over-the-top grin. Her mom nodded slowly, eyeing the letters in the trash without pointing them out before leaving her presence once again.

Carla chucked a pillow at the door, shutting the door securely. "Why couldn't I be the one...?" She muttered, biting her lip hard enough to make it bleed. Just then, the sound of the doorbell resounded throughout the residence.

"Oh, Roxie! I'm so glad you could make it, I hope I didn't interrupt you..." Carla heard her mom say.

"Oh no...! Shit! I can't let Roxie see me... wait... the window!" Carla exclaimed, hurrying to the window to pry it open. Her room was on the second floor, but  there was roofing right next to the window which was only two feet away from the ground once she climbed onto it. Carla shimmied our the window and carefully kept onto the roofing to jump down onto the ground. When she successfully made it, Carla took off running for her closest friend's house to hide out temporarily.

About ten minutes of running later, Carla ended up at a fairly small one story house. She went up and knocked on the door to be answered by a boy her age.

"Carla? What're you doing here? I thought we weren't hanging out until next week?" The boy asked. She pushed passed him, closing the door behind her.

"Not now, I have to hideout here. Please can I stay for a bit, Austin?" She pleaded. He let out a sigh and nodded before sneaking her into his room down the hall. Once there, he secured the door shut and sat her down on his bed.

"Either you and your dad fought again, this has something to do with Roxie, or Haley upset you... again." He said, easing an eyebrow at her. Carla rubbed her arm with her hand and chuckled lightly.

"It is about Roxie, but Haley is involved in a way..." She said. Carla explainer everything to Austin as he listened intently to her. Once finished, he ruffled his hair in confusion, unsure what he should say.

"That's... wild man, wow. I mean, I do get why he'd have his eye on Roxie, she is pretty cute... Although, he's pretty fine too, I wouldn't mind—"

"Austin!" Carla shouted, slightly flushed from what he was insinuating. He laughed and snorted slightly.

"Sorry, sorry, you know I can't help but comment on hot guys in that way, it's impossible!" He cried. Carla rolled her eyes and prepared to say something else when her phone rang again. It was Roxie.

"She's so persistent..." She mumbles, hanging up the phone on her. Immediately after, a barrage of messages came in from Roxie asking if she was okay and where she was at. Carla didn't answer them and instead tossed her phone to the side with a frown. "I wish I knew what she was thinking... I..." Carla trailed off, tearing up from the mere thought of Roxie being with someone else. Austin pulled her into a hug, pushing her away ever so slightly to look into her eyes and push her hair out of her eyes.

"If she cant see how much of a catch you are, then... that's her loss..." He grumbled, trying to lean into her to kiss. Carla pushes her away quickly and scooter away.

"Austin, I don't have feelings for you. I can't do this, you know that!" She yelled. Austin groaned and went closer to her again.

"You don't need feelings to do anything. I just want you to have a good time right now, so just accept my advances for once...!" He exclaimed, trying to latch onto Carla. She got away from him, exiting his room as fast as possible and bolting out of the house. "Carla! You're going to regret this!" He cried out as she ran further and further away.

Back home, Carla tried to quietly sneak into her house, but was caught as soon as she entered by the last person she wanted to see.

"Carla! Where have you been?! I called all of your friends and none of them knew where you were! I was so worried!" The all too familiar voice cried out. Suddenly, Carla was knocked to the floor by a slightly stronger force as her shoulder began to feel wet with what seemed to be tears. It was Roxie who was now on top of her. Roxie's dyed copper red hair covered her face, grazing Carla's nose softly as more tears fell onto her. Before long, Roxie raise her head, revealing her noticeable freckles and moles around her face and neck.

"Hey... Roxie..." Carla chokes out, unsure what else to say. Roxie hugged her tightly, pulling herself up and then Carla from the floor.

"I missed you and you had me worried sick...! I saw the letters in the trash, do you hate me now, is that it?" She asked. Carla shook her head and opened her mouth to speak, but immediately closed it and frowned.

"No... I don't... not at all, Roxie..." Carla said slowly. Roxie looked down, facing the, barely shorter, Carla.

"You've grown... you're not the same Carla I remember, you're... much more mature now. Look at you though! You're almost as tall as me... I'm sure you have a lover now, huh?" Roxie asked, laughing slightly. She seemed to want to add to that, but left it at that, waiting for Carla to answer.

"No... I like someone though, but they'd never like me... I'm not... never mind..." Carla sighed. Roxie brushed Carla's hair out of her face with a light smile.

"Oh Carla, you're beautiful! I'm sure he likes you too!" Roxie exclaimed. Carla shook her head and looked away.

"She won't ever feel that way, it's not right..." Carla responded in a low voice. Roxie opened her mouth to speak, but struggled to find the words.

"O-oh! A girl, huh? She's real lucky then. You can win her over I'm sure, you are quite the catch after all! Is she someone I know?" Roxie asked. Carla smirked and nodded.

"Yea, you two know each other very well!" Carla shouted, walking off towards her room as tears streamed down her face shortly after leaving Roxie's sight...

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