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Carla left the house first, stepping over Neil's dead body and then the broken door from the main entrance. She cried and sniffles all the way out the door, thinking back to the smile that was on his face as he took his last breaths.

"We killed him." She muttered, covering her mouth in disbelief, "We killed a human being. We killed Neil." Josie looked down at the gun in her hands, shaking furiously from fear. She dropped the weapon on the ground, crouching down to look at her hands.

"You didn't, I'm the one who shot him. That look I saw in his eyes as I put those bullets into him... It was horrifying. The look of betrayal, regret... the look of mourning the love you'd never be able to receive..." She said, brushing her hair out of her eyes to see the gun better. Carla knelt beside her, struggling to place an arm around her.

"It's not—"

"Don't day it's not my fault when I had the gun, when I pulled the safety off, and when I shot your little boy toy twice!" Josie screamed. Carla fell backwards, hitting the asphalt with a slight thud. "It was my fault. I killed Neil. I'm a murderer." She said, picking the gun back up to inspect.

The two stayed in the middle of the road, just feet away from the house they were just in, from the family they just tore apart. They looked at one another, contemplating everything they have fought for, run for, and went through so far.

"What do you think would've happened if we didn't go to that party? If Daniel didn't get pissed off, if you never met Neil, If Roxie never kissed you?" Josie questioned Carla, grazing her hand through her hair without looking in her direction. Carla remained silent and stood up to look down at Josie.

"Stop thinking like that, we can get through this we just need to—"

"I've always hated how you try to make bad situations better. There's no way we're getting through this alive. At least, you won't. I was an idiot for liking you, all I've done is get hurt by your indecisive ass and make every single wrong decision that someone possibly could. It was a mistake, it was all a mistake," Josie stated, glaring at Carla, "you were a mistake." Carla froze, dropping her eyes at the sound of that. It hurt her that her carelessness brought Josie to this point.

"You know, at one point, I did have feelings for you Josie," Carla began, "but I'm glad I don't now. All you ever think about is yourself. That's it." Carla said angrily. Josie stood up next to Carla and shoved her to the ground.

"Fuck you, Carla. Seriously, just fuck you! I didn't have to help you, I didn't have to stick by your side through this all, I didn't have to do shit for you!" She screamed, grabbing onto Carla and raising an arm to hit her, "but I did. I did it all for you because I fucking have feelings for you. All I do is think of myself? Please, I've done everything for you!" She cried out.

They both remained in that position for what seemed like minutes, unsure what to say next. Carla could see the hurt in Josie's eyes that showed how much pain her statement had caused her. Josie put her arm down and let go of Carla, walking away from her without another word. Carla followed, knowing well enough that her best chance of survival was with Josie. They walked side by side, uttering not a single word to one another as crickets chirped and bats flew over them. It was oddly quiet even after everything had happened. There was no one else to turn to, no other house to hide in, they had nothing.

"What now?" Carla asked Josie, grabbing her shirt to stop her. She didn't respond, turning around to hold onto Carla with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know. What are we going to do?" She questioned her. Josie pulled onto her tighter, planting her head against her chest while crying silently. Carla rubbed Josie's head lightly, not knowing how else to calm her down. She grabbed her hand, pulling her along to walk down the empty street before hearing a gun go off in the background where they had just come from.

"He had another gun... or Daniel got to him," Carla said, pulling Josie harder, "Either way, we need to hurry and go somewhere. Someone might let us use their phone to call the cops to come pick us up." Josie modded, remaining quiet as they trudged down the road to get away from the gun before going and asking for help.

They walked a good five miles before finally gathering the courage to knock on a nearby door to a dark blue house. It was pitch black with not a single light being on. Nonetheless, Josie went up and knocked on the door silently before begging the owners to let them in. The door unlocked soon after, opening up to reveal a tall, skinny man with bright neon orange hair.

"Isn't it a little late to be selling shit? Come back in the morning, I'll consider—"

"Sir, please, can you let us in? There's a guy after us... it's the man on the news who's been killing people, just please let us in!" Josie begged him. The man looked at the two girls, glancing up and down the road before beckoning them in. He shut the door quietly behind them, turning on a small lamp in the corner of the room to show a messy living room with alcohol and junk food all over the floor. He bent down, handing them each a bottle of alcohol before sitting down on the floor.

"I think you two girls need this. I can tell you're terrified. Now, you said that guy on the news is after you? That guy named Daniel or whatever it is? I won't ask why, but I trust you two." He said, chugging a bottle of wine what looked to be beer. The man threw a bag of chips at them, pointing towards another unlit room. "Go in there, I'll keep watch for a few minutes and then we'll figure out what to do." He said, turning the lamp off.

Carla and Josie walked into the other room, not knowing what was going on or what would happen. Minutes pass and then the man out in the living room popped his head in with a grave look on his face.

"Stay down, stay quiet, don't say a word or come out. Someone is at my door right now." He said, shutting the door to their room before disappearing back into the darkness...

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