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Carla muffles her breathing, glancing down at the phone to see a completely red screen with white letters saying "help is on the way". With that, she slid the phone under Josie's bed, then stalked out the door to look for Josie. Loud steps came from downstairs along with the sound of crunching glass under a shoe, but not a word was spoken. She turned towards the left, heading towards another bedroom to either hide in or search for Josie in. The first room she went in was completely empty, so she moved onto the next. While doing that, the boards beneath her creaked loudly, alerting anyone in the house where she was. A laugh came from right under her and came closer.

"Real smart, Carla... Thanks for leading me right to you!" He exclaimed stomping his way towards her. She hurried into the other bedroom, running right into Josie who shushes her as soon as she's right in front of her.

"The window. Now. It's the only way. Mom had a baby monitor downstairs from my nieces coming over last week, I'll distract him long enough for us to escape." Josie said quickly, holding up the second baby monitor to use. She pressed the button to turned it on and began to whisper into it quiet enough to keep her hidden, but loud enough to make Daniel go back downstairs. The two rushed out of the window, jumping towards the ground onto a pile of pillows and sheets that Josie threw out there moments ago.

They both ran, jumping Josie's backyard fence and going to the neighbor's house behind them. Carla frantically knocks on their back door, but no one answers it let alone calls out. An eerie feeling overcomes her as she chose to peer through a nearby window. Inside, a elderly woman laid on the ground in a pile of blood with her small dog next to her in the same state as her. The girls jumped back in shock, charging down the street, further and further away from Daniel.

Many minutes pass by as the two girls sprinted down the street while sirens blared far away in the background. Neither of them had a phone, so they just went to the only other place they could think to go in a time like this...

It took them almost an hour and a half, but the girls reached Neil's house in the middle of the pitch black night. No lights were in at all and no cars were there either, but they went up to the door to call out for Neil anyways. Surprisingly, the door opened up to show Neil's dad instead who glared at the two girls. He tried to slam the door on them, but Josie put her hand into the house to prevent the door from closing.

"Please, we need help! Where is Neil?" Carla asked him. The man sighed, pulling them both in unwillingly.

"Looking for you. He left over an hour ago because he hadn't heard from you or Josie. Why are you two here?" He questioned them. The girls looked at one another in terror.

"It's Daniel. He's hunting us." Josie said. Neil's dad stepped back in shock as his eyes grew big. He grabbed them both, pulling them further into the house and down the the basement, making sure to block the door so that Daniel wouldn't be able to open it without kicking it in. While down there, the man unlocked a large safe, pulling out two small pistols and a knife.

"I'm gonna trust you girls only this one time. We're going to protect this area, that door is the only entrance. Josie and Carla, you two take these guns. I can't have either of you trying to attack that psycho in close quarters. They're completely loaded, just turn the safety off when he gets into the house." He stated, putting them into hiding spots before taking cover underneath the staircase. They all waited for any movement, noises, or anything else. It had been silent for so long that they all thought Daniel hadn't followed them, but then slamming occurred on the front door upstairs. No one spoke as the banging noises continued. Finally, after minutes of forceful hitting and kicking, the door busted open and created a deafening cracking noise. Footsteps slammed against the floor upstairs, going into every room there was. Seconds passed, then minutes, but it all felt like hours until the footsteps landed right in front of the basement door.

The door knob jiggled forcefully before being kicked in powerfully. Carla shook in her hiding spot while Josie switched her gun off of safety. It wasn't long before the door busted in, crashing down the stairs. The figure was dressed in all black and walked slowly down the stairs. Without warning, Neil's dad stabbed the knife through the floor board of one of the steps and into the figures foot. They screamed, struggling to pull their foot off of the knife. Immediately, Josie fired the gun four times, two missing the intruder while the other two hit the figure, causing his to fall to the hard concrete floor.

They all came out of hiding, turning the lights on to see if it was Daniel. To their horror, it was Neil. One shot went straight through his chest and the other went through his neck. His dad hurried to his side, crying out and holding his hand against the neck wound.

"Fuck! Neil, don't you die on me! Please... please keep your eyes open!" He screamed. Neil gargled in his own blood, reaching towards Carla with a painful smile. He then brought his other hand up, forming a heart with his hands since he could not speak before his arms dropped to the ground and his struggle to breathe ceased. They all stayed there in shock and horror, unsure what to do. Neil's dad turned to them, tears falling down his face and onto his son. He simply shook his head, pointing to the exit for them to leave. They walked towards the stairs, holding the guns still in their hands with tears sliding down their cheeks...

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