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Carla pushes Josie away with enough force to make her fall to the ground. Both stared in shock and dismay at one another, keeping their eyes locked. Josie chuckled lightly then all of a sudden, standing up to brush herself off.

"I figured that would be your reaction. After being your best friend for years, you never realized it. You never noticed that I wanted to be with you and be your girl. Yeah, I have a body count. I know. I just wanted..." Josie trailed off, wiping away a few tears that began to fall and slide down her flushed cheeks, "I just wanted to get over you, but it never worked! For years, I dated guys I didn't like, hell, I don't even like guys at all! You were all I wanted, and you're still all I want, but there's no place for another person in this fucked up love triangle..." Josie smiled faintly, rushing out the back door of Carla's house.

Carla remained where she was, leaving her mouth wide open in shock. She thought back to every moment she spent with Josie. The times they slept in the same bed together, the times they got dressed in front of one another, the times they kissed each other's cheeks playfully. All those times, and yet she never noticed how Josie had felt. Dread began to well up inside of her until she couldn't take it anymore. Carla ran up to her room, slamming the door behind her. Screams filled the small space whilst objects crashing could also be heard as well.

"I fucking hate this!" She cried out, throwing a picture frame down to the ground with a loud cracking noise, "I hurt her! I hurt the one person who has never left my side and has always been here for me!" Carla walked towards the picture frame she just broke, picking it up with a sniffle. It was a picture of her and Josie cuddling one another. They were both smiling happily, but Josie wasn't facing the lens that took the picture. Instead, she smiled towards the Carla in the picture. Josie had such a warm expression on her face, but yet there was something saddening about the smile she presented in the picture. "I'm sorry..." Carla whispered, squeezing the frame tightly enough for the shattered glass to pierce her hands and cause blood to ooze our and onto the floor.

She backed away, dropping what she was holding to look at her hands. They were completely bloody with shards of glass protruding from them. Carla snickered, pushing in one of the larger pieces deeper into her hand without a care. She was numb, unable to feel the pain that the wound was actually causing her, but yet she felt as if she deserved it. Soon enough, a small body of blood gathered beneath her feet as she finally refrained from continuing any further. Upon realizing what she had done though, Carla hurried to pull that glass out of her hands and hurry to the bathroom to wash them. After a decent amount of time, disinfecting and dressing them, both hands were completely covered in white gauze, already beginning to stain a deep red color.

"Fuck... I need help... I'll call Jo—" She stopped mid-sentence, wiping her eyes, "I'll do it myself..." Carla mumbled, stalking back out of the room to go downstairs to find her phone. When she reached the edge of the steps, Carla lost her balance, falling into the hardwood stairs below her, hitting her head in the process. "Goddamn it!" She screamed, scrambling to her feet with a slight struggle to do so. Her hand immediately went to her head to feel, to which she brought back down to see more blood. Carla groaned, not wishing to freak out further and make things worse. Instead, she scrambled to get to her phone, once again calling the only other person she could turn to and the one who would know what to do...

"I literally just left your house... what is it?" Josie sighed, seemingly in a slightly better mood already. Carla cried, pressing her hand to the wall to keep herself standing up, getting blood all over it in the process.

"Josie please... I need help, I had an accident... please hurry, I can't feel anything, I feel like I'm going to pass out..." Carla coughed out, slipping to the floor with a loud thud. By this time, it was too late. She couldn't keep her eyes open, and her bleeding only got worse as she collapsed against the floor. Josie screamed out loud for Carla to answer her, but heard nothing back besides the sound of her trying to hold herself up against the wall and failing.

All that she could manage to do was listen as she lost consciousness from losing so much blood and from the trauma of hitting her head. In the background, Carla heard sirens as well as Josie slamming her fist against the door, begging for Carla to answer and let her in. She then remembered that the back door was still unlocked from when she left, so Josie ran in through there and cried out in shock when she saw the bloody mess that was Carla.

"Carla, what did you do!? Oh my god... oh my fucking god, there's so much fucking blood! Oh no, not again... Carla please we both promised one another that this wouldn't happen again... You promised me you would never do this again or anything like this! I don't want to lose you!" She screamed, trying to shake Carla awake or even do something to get her to open her eyes. Despite all her efforts, nothing helped Carla. Instead, she had to wait until the paramedics arrived to actually help, but, in the meantime, Josie took off her shirt and ripped it apart to apply pressure to Carla's hands to, hopefully, stop the bleeding.

"I shouldn't have said anything..." Josie sobbed, "If I actually loved you, I would've kept my mouth shut! Now look at you... look at what you did because of me! This is all my fault..." Carla's hand lifted up slightly, pressing against Josie's face softly to, somewhat, comfort her.

"I'm sorry..." Carla whispered before her hand fell back to the floor...

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