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An expecting Carla closed her eyes, awaiting for the pain to surge in and around her face. Instead, there was nothing but a small thump that sounded in front of her. Once she opened her eyes, Carla saw that Roxie had moved herself and took the punch directly from Daniel who was now crouched in front of her in a worried panic. Carla couldn't believe what had just happened, glancing between the two as Roxie laid almost lifeless on the floor. Without a care, Carla shit up from the floor and kicked Daniel square in the face in an attempt to get him away from Roxie.

"Get away from you you fucking maniac! I'm calling the goddamn cops on you, Roxie's unconscious because of you!" Carla cried out. Daniel landed softly on the floor behind him, reaching for his forehead to feel a small amount of blood drip from it. As he tried to get up and hurt Carla, Neil stepped in front of the man and forced him to back away, pinning him against the wall nearby.

"Back up, dude. You hurt a girl, there's a zero tolerance for that! Your ass is grass." Neil shouted, tightening his grip on Daniel who squirmed around to no success. Carla turned her attention back to Roxie who seemingly had a bloody, possibly broken, nose and a bloodied scalp. She wept softly, leaning down to lay her head onto Roxie's chest.

"This is all your fucking fault! Rox is mine, she's mine! I should've fucking killed you when I had the chance, you fucked everything up you bitch!" Daniel screamed at the top of his lungs, struggling even more in Neil's grasp, causing more guys to come and help hold him still. Josie came up the stairs and flinched once she saw the horrors that had unraveled. Carla looked to her for support and cried to her, not sure how else to help besides to call an ambulance and have Daniel detained. Minutes later, after the call was made, an emergency rescue squad came to help transport Roxie to the hospital. Just as they loaded Roxie into the ambulance, Carla stopped them with a frown and tears eyes.

"Please... please can I come with you! I'm worried about Roxie!" She begged them. In the end, the squad allowed her to come with them to the hospital as she was the closest thing to family she had at the party. They questioned Carla slightly, hoping to gain some insight as to what caused the injury. Once at the hospital, the immediately took Roxie to the emergency room and prevented anyone from seeing her until she was stable. Hours upon hours, there was still no news as to how serious Roxie's injuries were and there was no information as to what had happened with Daniel. Carla waited patiently for anything on Roxie, but even after five hours of waiting there was still nothing. Eventually, Josie met Carla at the hospital with bad news on Daniel.

"The cops released him... They aren't doing anything even though he...he... attacked Roxie... That fucking asshole, I'm gonna kill him if he comes near you!" She chanted, hugging Carla tightly. She clasped onto Josie in return and cried loudly into her shirt.

"Why did she protect me? Why did she say she liked me? Why did she kiss me? Josie, what do I do!? I feel like she's playing with my feelings, she acts different every time I see her!" Carla said, wiping her eyes quickly. Josie held onto her tightly, remaining quiet as she was unsure what else to say. Moments later, a female doctor finally came out and sat next to the two girls as if she had bad news for them.

"Unfortunately... she is suffering from a completely broken nose. It will require surgery to repair, but she also requires strenuous stitching on her scalp. Right now, she's unconscious from the severe blow she received to the head though, so we will monitor her for now." She said, scratching the top of her head as she delivered the information. Carla sighed and stood up quickly.

"I'll be leaving my contact information with you then. When she wakes up, please call me." She requested, handing the doctor a paper with her phone number on it. The doctor nodded, returning back behind the double doors, leaving the two girls alone. They headed out the hospital, heading straight to Josie's car. Neither of them spoke a word to the other, driving back the Carla's house in utter silence and surrounded by tension.

As soon as Carla arrived home, she exited the vehicle without a word and slammed the door shut, barging into her own house. There at the front door once she got inside, Carla sank to the floor and sobbed loudly enough to wake her mother. Carla stayed awake the rest of the night, sitting at the front door and waiting for the doctor to call her with good news.

The morning passed and soon became evening as there was still no news. Carla refused to eat or even move away from the door, believing that she'd missed the moment that Roxie would wake up if she did. The time ticked by rather quickly until finally someone did call her. It was from and unknown number, so she believed it to be from the hospital, but once she picked it up she immediately dropped it to the ground upon hearing the deranged and psychotic voice of a familiar guy in the other end.

"You'll pay, Carla! You made me hit her, you forced me to attack her... yes! I had no choice! You were the one I aimed for, so next time I won't miss you and you'll be laying on the ground in a pool of your own blood... watch yourself, Carla. I'm coming for you!" Daniel said, hanging up the phone soon after. Carla didn't say a word and instead but her lip in response, causing it to bleed. Afterwards, she took her phone and chucked it across the room, making it slam right into the solid wall in front of her. It shattered easily, falling to the floor with a crash. Carla curled up in a ball on the floor, weeping more than ever as she became completely scared for her life...

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