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The faint sound of beeping rang into Carla's ears sparatically. She flickered her eyes open slowly, glancing around to see where she was at. A white room filled with monitors, charts, and both nurses and doctors who were facing the opposite way from her. As Carla tried to rise and sit up, she soon realized she couldn't. Her entire body had been strapped down to the bed she was placed in whilst her feet and hands were also strapped to the metal posts on the bed. She jerked her limbs, causing the staff to jump back in surprise from the sudden movement.

"Oh, she's awake!" A nurse exclaimed. Carla blinked a few times, still trying to understand what was going on and remember what had happened. She jerked her hands more, beginning to wince in pain after a few moments. Blood seeped through, what seemed to be, bandages that were tightly wrapped around her hands. A sharp piercing feeling shot through her head, causing her to stop moving and go limp once again while still being conscious. Someone stepped from behind her, holding Carla down to prevent her from hurting herself further.

"Nurse, please sedate her. She can't be moving around like this whilst being this injured before she causes further significant injury to herself." The deep yet smooth voice demanded. The nurse nodded, quickly preparing a needle to inject into her IV. Soon, Carla's eyes closed again once more as the voices of the hospital staff began to be drowned out by the sound of her own relaxed heartbeat. After Carla was sedated and the staff left the room, Josie peered in and walked cautiously to Carla's side. She lowered her eyes, viewing the, now replaced, bandages on Carla's head and hands as well as the other bandages or medical equipment that were scattered all over Carla's resting body. Josie grazed her fingers over Carla's face, brushing away strands of hair that covered up minor bruising or other cut marks.

"You idiot... why do something like this? I'd rather have you alive and reject me than dead and unable to give me closure...! I love you too much to see you gone, Carla..." She whispered, sniffling softly as the heart rate monitor's consistent beeping resounded in the room. Silence then became prominent as Josie blocked out the noise, focusing only on Carla's deep and soothing breathing. Sighing, Josie smiled faintly, content enough with Carla being alive at the very least. She rubbed her eyes roughly, backing away slowly from Carla with a weak grin. A knock came at the door as Josie's gaze shot over to it. In the doorway stood Neil with a bouquet of flowers and a confused look.

"So... you like her too, huh?" He asked. Josie opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out at the realization that he must've heard everything.

"Don't confuse 'like' and 'love,' it's insulting. I don't like Carla, I love her. I have for years." She sighed, looking down calmly at the girl she loved. Neil strifes over, wrapping his arms around Josie to comfort her. He didn't say anything, patting her back as they embraced in the hug. Once he let go, Neil frowned and rubbed his forehead, unsure what else to do.

"I guess I'm the odd one out. You and Roxie have known her for awhile, so I'm not really someone who should be involved. Maybe I like her, or maybe I love her, but I don't know since it hasn't been that long. I don't know..." He mumbled, turning around to leave the room. Josie looked back at Carla, eyeing her up and down while holding back tears.

"Maybe I shouldn't be involved either..." She whispered, kissing Carla's forehead softly before following behind Neil.

It had been hours since Carla was last awake and it was now early in the morning. The hospital had grown silent with the faint sounds of equipment ringing through the halls. Her eyes slowly and cautiously fluttered open as she looked straight at the door to her room. It was firmly closed, meaning no one had been in here for quite awhile. Carla let out a sigh of relief and scooted up in her bed carefully. There was an odd feeling around her, but she couldn't put her finger on what was wrong. The atmosphere was heavy, and the hospital still seemed too quiet. She pulled her remote to call a nurse closer to her as the door slowly creaked open and the noise filled the room.

No voice called out to alert her who it was and no one stepped into the moonlight the illuminated the room. Instead, Carla was forced to suffer in the moment as she rapidly pressed the button to call the nurse on duty. After a few painful moments, a figure stepped into the light to show itself. It was Daniel. He had a crazed grin on his face, keeping his hands behind him which more than likely had a weapon hidden.

"You sure are all torn up, huh?" He asked with a chuckle. Carla presses the button faster, but the nurse still hadn't answered her. Daniel smiled, pulling a knife out from behind him that was already covered in fresh blood. "You're all alone. There's no one coming to help you now." He said, walking closer to her. Carla frantically pulled out all the wires and tubes that were hooked into her, grabbing a needle from a wire that was in her to defend herself.

Daniel continued to laugh, lunging at her with the knife in hand. Carla rolled onto the floor, narrowly missing the sharp blade which was now lodged slightly in the wall. She stumbled out the door and down the hallway, not caring to look behind to see where Daniel was. She only cared to get away and hide somewhere.

"Carlaaaaa, where are youuuu?" He called out, stomping harshly onto the floors of the hospital. She ducked down onto a nearby cart that had left over food, tucking all of her body parts in and quieting her breathing. Daniel soon walked past it, stopping to look around the hall for any sign of her. "You little piece of shit, just wait until I get my hands on you!" He cried out, running down the hall without warning. Carla quickly got back out and made her way to the nurse's station for any kind of phone to use. There, the deceased body of a stocky male nurse laid with his phone in hand.

She grabbed the phone, stumbling towards the stairs to get outside first before calling for help. Daniel was still on the other end of the floor, allowing her to easily be able to escape and descend the staircase. While preparing to call 911, a door from above opened and shut while a heavy set of footsteps followed behind Carla. She hurried outside, limping into nearby bushes to wait for him to leave. He laughed again, scraping the knife against the steel staircase door once he was outside too.

"You might want to come out if you want to know where Rox is..."

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